Chapter 5

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⚠️Trigger warning ⚠: Rocky will be mean to Skye and the rest of the pups in this chapter. I hope all of you will understand this and if you find it uncomfortable to read you may leave.

Katie's pov
Katie: So Ryder, you will talk to Rocky about who he likes because you are his owner an I know he will tell you anything. If he insisted no then you'll have to find other ways. If you can't think of any other ways you can ask me then.
Ryder: Alright Katie.
Katie: Good.

Ryder's pov
I really hope Rocky will understand. I don't want any drama to happen in the Paw Patrol. I was looking for Rocky and I found him near his pup house.

Ryder: Hey Rocky!
Rocky: Oh hey Ryder! Do you need anything?
Ryder: So Rocky, I was thinking of asking you about something.
Rocky: What is it? You can ask me anything.
Ryder: Do you happen to........have feelings for any of the members of the Paw Patrol?

Rocky's pov
Why is Ryder asking me this? I can't say it, he will laugh at me. Skye rejected me and I'm so disappointed, oh well I got to tell him.

Rocky: Uh....It's S-S-Skye.
Ryder: Oh (surprisingly). What makes you like her then?
Rocky: She is just so beautiful b-
I stopped at the point of disappointment.
Ryder: What's wrong?
Rocky: She rejected m-me. (Almost crying)
Ryder: I'm sorry Rocky. I'm sure you will find a pup that you'll like.
Rocky: Yeah. (Sighs)
Ryder: Well I have to go to Katie's to get some pup food so I'll see you in a bit. Bye!
Rocky: Bye Ryder!

Why did he suddenly ask me that? He seems suspicious, I think I'm just overthinking. Back to plan how I'm gonna find out who Skye likes (evil smirks).

Ryder's pov
I knew it! He liked Skye, guess I didn't misheard after all. I hid somewhere and I heard Rocky saying the same thing about him wanting to find out Skye. I hope it will turn out good. Ok now to Katie's.

Ryder: Katie I'm here!
Katie: Hey Ryder! So how did it go?
Ryder: I was right, he likes Skye. I then later hid somewhere and heard him saying he wants to find out Skye's crush still.
Katie: Oh no, this can't be good. You know what, you go back first and keep an eye on Rocky. After a few days come to me, I need some ideas to help you.
Ryder: Sounds good! Thanks Katie for the ideas.
Katie: You're welcome, have a nice day Ryder!
Ryder: You too!

I walked out of her Pet Parlour and have to keep an eye on Rocky.

3rd person pov
Skye: When do I have the courage to tell Marshall how I feel? I hope I'm not too late to tell him. Oh Marshall, I hope I can tell you soon.

Little does she know that Rocky heard everything.

Rocky: I- I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! OF ALL THE PUPS SHE LIKES MARSHALL!!! Did I said that out too loud?
Skye: Rocky?! What are you doing here?! Are you spying on me?! H-h-how could you?!!! Oh and yeah, even if you have a crush on me and if i don't like you back, it does not mean I hate you. Can you please understand that? I don't get why you have to be angry over a small thing! Grow up Rocky (very angrily).
Rocky: What did you just say? And why are you talking like that to me (angrily).
Skye: I said grow up! Don't make small matters turn worse!

Skye is not aware that Rocky is gonna soon pin her to the ground. When Skye walked away, Rocky jumped on her and scratched her very hard.

Skye: OUCH! Rocky what are you doing?!! (Already crying)
Rocky: This is what you get for rejecting me (bites). This is what you get for talking so rude to me (pulls her fur out).

Marshall was walking to the lookout and heard some fighting. He then saw Rocky pinning Skye to the ground and injuring her.

Marshall: This is not good, I better find Ryder.
Ryder was just behind Marshall.
Marshall: Ryder look!
Ryder: (gasps) Rocky! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!

Rocky heard him and get off Skye.

Rocky: I-it wasn't what it looks like. I-i-it was Marshall he ask me to do it (lying).

Ryder knew that he was lying  after what he heard from the past few days.

Ryder: You think I believe you? I heard you said you are gonna let the pup Skye like pay! How you explain that. Why you hurt Skye that badly?
Rocky: Wait just le-
Ryder: No more. Marshall, go check up on Skye to see where she's hurt.
Marshall: Roger that.

Rocky felt guilty for hurting Skye.

Hey guys I'm so sorry for not posting for a really long time but here it is. Hope you enjoy!

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