ch. 1

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thursday, october 1st

"hey babe" i said to my boyfriend, louis partridge. "hi love" he said . "im going to hangout with millie today and then i have a photoshoot later so i wont be able to see you till later at night or tomorrow. but i was able to make a quick stop before seeing her" i said to him .

"bummer, i guess im going to have to watch these bad boys myself" he said and stuck up two of my favorite movies.

"oh my god no way!" i screamed in excitement. "how did you get these?! they dont sell them anywhere else!" i asked as i looked at the movie box to see if they were the real ones which they were.

"i pulled a couple strings to get them" he said and i gave him a kiss as a sign of thank you. "i am definitely coming over" i chuckled .

"yes you are now go before millie calls me complaining about your absence" he pointed out the door and a laugh escaping his lips. "youre the best" i kissed him once more before i left.

i went to a small coffee shop that millie and i shared a common interest in. ever since the break up with payton, i worked on myself and my careers.

i starred in the movie Enola Holms with millie and louis. i played as enola's best friend who was raised by enola's mother as well. ofcourse i didnt have their accent but my character was adopted which fit.

we all grew a bond on and off the film. we all immediately hit it off and the filming was absolutely fun.

other than acting, i have also taken in music. i wrote my first song baby which came out a hit and that was a good feeling of achievement .

"i called your cell so many times!" millie loudly said when the door chimed as i entered the coffee shop. "i was already on my way" i responded.

"you and louis have to learn to answer calls. actually just my calls because it seems like you answer everyone elses but mine" she dramatically yelled.

"i do answer your calls... when i hear my phone ring" i lightly scratched the back of my ear . "so what? is your phone always off or something?" she laughed and i couldnt hold mine in any longer.

"oh mills, you know we love you" i told her. "well i sure hope so. if it werent for me, you two wouldnt be together. i had to push lou, literally" millie said which was true.

"whatre you gonna do for your anniversary? its almost your one year soon. how exciting!" she smiled widely and passed it on to me. "i know! but its a few months away so what i already have planned is a trip to paris" i broke the news to her and took a sip of my coffee.

"thats amazing! the city of romance! can i come?!" she asked with concern and i laughed as i thought she was joking until i looked at her. "wait youre serious?"

"yes! i wont be a hassle to you guys i promise!" she begged and i didnt know what to say to her. "im sure lou will be okay with that. but lets ask him to make sure later"

"great i'll call him right now then. i need to clear my calendar for... how long will the trip be?" she asked when she looked up from her phone and she let me take it and i set it on the table.

"mills you cant call him if he doesnt know about it yet and it is months from now" i reminded her and her light bulb turned on .

"i cant wait for this getaway" millie aggressively sighed. "i cant wait either".

"its finally october! whatre you thinking of dressing up as for halloween?" she curiously asked. "i was actually planning on doing a couples costume" .

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