Age: eighteen Time: 2014 |chapter 22|

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Age: eighteen Time: 2014

"-I just thought they would tell me," Steve says with a sigh, sitting on the couch, as she sits in the armchair.

She replies having become a sort of therapist for him. "she's a spy, she lies for a living, she has a job that she has been trained to carry out at all costs. she holds different prioritizes then you, don't set your exceptions high in that regard."

he sighs with a nod, knowing the now legal adult is right. He asks her with slight curiosity. "so, where were you before coming back to Washington?"

Paige tries to smile but it comes out more like a grimace, she briefly visited Kazakhstan but then got the fuck out of there. "I traveled, and no not telling."

he nods with a smile, she had just come knocking on his door two weeks prior asking for a place to crash for a bit while she was in town and he had convinced her to stay, she has become like a little sister.

Her phone rings causing her to look slightly worried when she sees the number, answering it she says "hello?"

on the other end she hears someone breathe a sigh of relief "thank the gods, we were about to send search parties."

Paige scoffs at Percy's voice, she responds "oh, come on, I ditch all the time, don't start getting soft on me now."

she could feel the eye roll. "Paige, you never even said goodbye, after you came back covered in your blood after the invasion, we only get a brief call a year ago, Paige."

she feels a pang of guilt. She didn't mean to just cut them out of her life, she just didn't want to hear the questions she couldn't answer, that's why she only spoke or checked in with her parents.

She sighs in defeat saying "how about I visit you guys, I'm in Washington so, I'll call in a favor, and maybe your mom's perhaps, she's awesome."

he laughs she could hear the grin at the mention of his mother who welcomed Paige with open arms after the second Titan war she had no place other than camp, and so she went home with Percy and Sally. "ok, tomorrow around lunch?"

she says with a sigh "ok, see you'll tomorrow." hanging up she looks at Steve who holds a questioning look, she smiles saying "the avengers aren't my only family, Steve." he nods knowing it's the best answer he'll get from her.

"thank you, Hermes." the messenger god smiles, saying "you saved my kids lives plenty of times, and the sacrifices of food do help your case."

she laughs waving him off before saying "oh, by the way, Martha, got you a rat." the snake shouts with joy in Hermes's pocket.

As he pulls it out Gorge says "what about me?" she laughs shaking her head saying "sorry, next time?" he begins to grumble but she reasons "hey, last time, I brought you something and not Martha so shush."

he stops with a slither. As Hermes smiles show his nearly blindingly white teeth. She asks the god "do you know if Marcus is ok?" he snickers Saying "he misses his sister. well, off we go."

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