Age: nineteen Time: 2015 |chapter 37|

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Age: nineteen

Time: 2015

the last bot drops dead at Paige's feet, breathing heavily she turns to look at Ultron, saying in a thick British accent. "fuck you, and suck your tin willy."

Tony says to her as he too tries to catch his breath. "language, Cap doesn't like it."

Steve just shakes his head at Tony's antics. But Ultron says "sorry, that was a bit dramatic."

Natasha says under her breath "gee, you think?"

but Ultron dismisses the redhead's words saying "I'm sorry, I know you mean well, you just didn't think it through."

Steve takes a few steps forward but Ultron isn't finished talking, though Paige wishes he would, her head is throbbing and the world is beginning to spin.

She doesn't remember the last time she slept and the use of her powers only tapped into energy she didn't have. "you all want to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?-"

the ringing in her ears becomes the only thing she hears, and her vision tunnels. She watches as Ultron rips the face off a dead bot, and tosses it back to the floor.

Then Thor throws his hammer at the robot and he goes flying through the wall. Her vision goes completely dark, feeling her knees buckle from underneath her.

(Paige's dream)

she finds herself standing in a field, turning in a full circle, only for a blindfolded woman to appear, sitting cross-legged with a scale in front of her, without reacting the women greets "her, Hello, Paige. Do you know who I am?"

Paige smiles softly answering as she sits next to the goddess. "yes, I do. Your Themis or Lady Justice, goddess of natural law order and justice."

the women nods asking still facing the scales "do you know why you're here?"

Paige shakes her head, her hair slapping her face. "no, I don't but I have a feeling I'm about to find out."

Themis smiles almost sadly saying "you and your team are going to face something, and your bonds will be your downfall."

Themis still doesn't face her, Paige feels her dinner rise from her stomach. She knew 'downfall' meant, and she has no issue doing it for her friends, but she also knows her worth. And fears what may happen if she dies.

Hanging her head for a moment before looking back up to the blindfolded goddess she asks her accent thickening "why are you telling me this?"

Themis says her voice unchanging and her body not moving "because you need to know to be able to stay the course."

Paige sighs as it clicks in her head, the thought of it making her throat fill with her last meal. "the gods need me to do that? and you're not going to tell me when."

Themis nods slightly, confirming Paige's words. Paige takes a deep breath trying to stay logical, to keep herself in check, she's not allowed to lose her temper but despite this her blood to boils, and grief to loge it's self in her throat.

her mind spiraling, memories of everything she's been through flashing in her mind. Paige whispers her voice breaking and her accent heavy. "why? After everything I've done in the name of the gods, under the orders of the gods, why am I not allowed to be a person? To live?"

Themis doesn't respond beyond stating coldly "your sacrifice will be noted in the underworld." Paige locks her jaw looking down at her knees as tears swell in her eyes.

She asks the goddess, her voice sounding broken. "why can't I just get a win? I've been following the orders of the gods for nearly a decade-"

a sob cuts off her voice, as tears trickle down her cheeks and land on her knees "I have lost everyone's trust. And I haven't been able to look myself in the eyes for nearly as long." she knows the goddess thinks she's overreacting, but she can't help but feel like nothing more then a tool, the tears refuse to listen to her will to stop them.

Themis asks "when was the last time you were honest with yourself?"

Paige takes a shaky deep breath, trying to control her emotions, but Themis says "I know your fate. I've been watching you grow, and you hardly allow yourself to express your emotion. And that, my dear is dangerous."

with that, the goddess disappears. Leaving the girl alone in her dream. beings as she hasn't seen her mother in over six years.

"why do the people leave me when I need them the most?" an ear-piercing scream rips throughout the meadow, filled with heartbreak.

Broken sobs following as the young girl cries out "mom! Mom! Please, I need you! Mom!... why have you abandoned me?" Paige continues to sob, hugging herself muttering 'why' between sobs.


"Wacanada." Paige states as she leans on the wall to help her walk. "it's pronounced Wakanda." everyone turns to face her.

Clint who is standing closest to her, helps her into a seat saying "you shouldn't be standing, you should be resting, we don't know why you collapsed."

Paige waves her hand at his words saying "I do. And it's nothing. But right now someone needs to fill me in."

the blond furrows his brows asking "what made you collapsed?"

she sighs at the persistent questioning but answers none the less. "I was busy the past few days and the fight was a bit much for my meat suit. Now, who do I have to kick in the nuts for someone to tell me what's going on?"

they look at each other before looking back at her saying "we're not letting you come with us."

Paige narrows her eyes at Bruce who makes the smart decision of raising his hands in surrender saying "I'm not going to try stopping you."

Paige smiles at him as Tony glares at her, her only response is asking "don't give me that, when was the last time you slept?" he mutters looking back at his tablet.

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