Age: nineteen Time: 2015 |chapter 46|

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Age: nineteen Time: 2015

she lets out a soft groan as she covers her eyes due to the blindingly white lights and walls. Someone shouts "she's awake! Get the doctor!"

slowly opening her eyes she concludes that she's in a hospital, due to her little stunt. She turns her head to glare at the equipment that shows her vitals and beeps consistently. A woman in a white lab coat walks in with a clipboard Paige asks "could you be a little more stereotypical? I can't place you yet."

the women smiles with a small laugh asking "ok, miss Griffen, on a scale of one to ten, what is your current pain level?"

Paige rolls her eyes but the mention of pain seems to make the throbbing in her torso worsen "I'll tell you what, you drop the last name thing and I'll tell you how much I love chocolate."

she sighs, Paige could see the suppressed eye roll "fine, Paige."

Paige pretends to beam at her saying "7 and I love everything chocolate besides chocolate ice cream."

the doctor nods scribbling it down before saying "you have a lot of visitors."

Paige nods and as the doctor walks out, the Avengers walk in. Wanda sitting in the chair by her bed, Pietro next to her. Paige smiles saying "hey, I guess I'm a lot more holy than I realized."

some laugh others just smile as she opens her mouth to say something Thalia walks through the door followed by her younger look-alike, also known as her little brother. Paige's smile drops and turns grim, and mournful. As she asks in ancient Greek "Marcus, Thalia. why are you here? What happened?"

Thalia answers in their native language. "Artemis told me what happened. About everything." Paige sighs but nods reluctantly before nodding to Marcus in a silent 'why-is-my-baby-brother-here?' the hunter explains. "as for Marcus, he is to be your replacement if something were to happen to you. He will be living with you until then."

Paige stares at her little brother, just noticing how much he grew. She remembers his bright eyes that seemed to glow when he was happy, now holding anger as she stares at him, he grew taller as well. She knows if she were standing she'd have to look up at him.

Pursing her lips she whispers in ancient Greek. "I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt you."

his eyes flash dangerously but all he says is "'sorry' doesn't fix what you did. I needed my sister, but every time I tried to talk to you, you weren't there."

despite the words being in ancient Greek, everyone could hear the venom in them. She sucks in a shaky breath saying "I couldn't and wouldn't ever let you go near where I was."

he laughs dryly stuffing his hands in his leather jacket that she got for him in Thailand when they went there. "you're seriously playing the 'trying to protect me' card. Right. You never cared for anyone but yourself."

the older sister just says as she blinks away the tears, her accent showing "Marcus... you have every right to be mad, to hate me. And I know this is my fault."

she chews her lower lip but continues "and I can't change it, but I will try to fix it."

she could see his resolve to hate her braking but he doesn't say anything just glares at her silently seething. she knows better than to push it so she just stays silent waiting. Ignoring the confused looks of her teammates, who don't speak ancient Greek.

Finding sudden fascination in her sheets, she fails to see that he pulls his hands out of the jacket, and walk up to the side of her bed until he's standing next to her. She looks up only to be pulled into a hug.

Suppressing a smile he says sticking to their native language "you have no idea how much I hate this, and you. but your not allowed to die."

Paige couldn't help but chuckle saying switching to English. "it was never malicious. and I will always love you, little brother." he rolls his eyes, pulling away. the movement causing a sharp pain to spread like vines under her skin. But the only sign showing the pain is her grip tightening on the sheets.

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