Age: eighteen Time: 2014 |chapter 25|

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Age: eighteen Time: 2014

she is to busy focusing on trying to pinpoint the threat she is sure will appear that her brain nearly jumps out of her skull when Steve punches the screen.

shaking her head in disappointment at Steve's temper before turning her attention back to listening for anything and searching for any sign of threats in the immediate perimeter. But her ears heard it before her brain could register it, the faint whistle of a Bogie.

The doors begin to close, Steve tries throwing his Shield but it just flies back at him, Natasha says "30 seconds tops."

Steve looks slightly panicking, asking the redhead quickly "who fired it?"

Paige answers for her "doesn't matter-" her voice is cut off by the computer, "I'm afraid I have been stalling Captain, it's better this way. We are both out of time."

but Steve isn't paying the computer much attention, ripping a crate away, showing a dark hole, shoving both girls in as the bomb hits, Shielding them with his weapon and back, grunting in pain as the building collapses in on them.

all Paige could see is dust and ash reminding her of when she was fighting the armies of monsters defending the doors to Olympus, and when she stood on Camp Half-Blood hill as Gaia exploded in a hail storm of fire along with Leo and Festus.

Once most of the noise and building stops she asks "ok, who still has five fingers?"

Natasha tries to laugh but ends up coughing on the dust in the air, "ok, no one said they didn't so I'm assuming that they do, and as much as this is cozy, we need to leave. Before we die."

both the superheroes nod in agreement. Paige can only be thankful for her mother choosing her to be the peacekeeper and not wait for Marcus to come of age, otherwise, he would have to endure the things she has.

"hey man." a warm-skinned man around third-five says once he opens the glass sliding door seeing Steve, Natasha side by side, and Paige behind them all covered in ash, dust, and minor injuries such as cut bruises and aching limbs due to the bomb.

Steve says "sorry about this, we need a place to lay low."

Natasha says looking in a daze "everyone we know is trying to kill us."

he looks between the three of them for a second before saying as he steps aside to let them in "not everyone."

closing it behind them, and the blinds. He shows them to the spare room leaving them be, Paige disappears to the bathroom. As she checks the temperature on the shower she hears Steve ask "how old is she now?"

after a few seconds Natasha's voice responds "eighteen. I think she was sixteen when Loki happened."

she could feel Steve shaking his head asking "how could Fury let her become an Avenger? since when was it ok to let kids fight wars?"

she slightly changes the temperature of the water as her hand is red from checking it, Natasha answers in slight frustration for the topic "I asked Fury but he said it's classified. All I could dig up is a few years ago an experiment was conducted about something that Shield found, she tried to stop it."

her voice stops for a moment.

Paige's fists clench and stretch out repeatedly, as she tries to calm herself from storming out to them shout to mind their own business.

But Natasha continues "pleaded with Fury, he did it anyway and every one of the patents spontaneously combusted just like she warned they would. She's been an Allie to Fury ever since." she stifles a growl stepping into the now ice-cold water, not being able to deal with the need to depersonalize everything without something to keep her, well here.

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