Chapter 10: End

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Okay so I have no more ideas for this book, but there will be a second book about their second year. This one was just their first. So be on the lookout for a second book about year two.


"Hey Chuck," Red spoke as he and Chuck walked to the Great Hall for dinner.

"Yeah, Red?" Chuck was walking with his hands on his head.

"Why does everyone keep assuming we're dating?" This got Chuck to stop dead. He had asked himself this question many times

"Maybe....because we're such good friends?" Red seemed to think over what Chuck said for a moment before responding.

"And we'll always be friends, right?" Red seemed to fumble with his words as he stared at the floor.

"Of course! No matter what happens, we'll always be friends." Chuck's words seemed to reassure Red.

"Come on," Red looked up at Chuck and smiled, "I'll race you to dinner."

"Oh you're on!" Chuck scoffed playfully. They began their race, Chuck win of course. It didn't really matter to them though, what mattered was that no matter what troubles came their way, they'd always be friends. Come Hell or high water, nothing would break them apart.

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