Chapter 9: Back to School

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"Oh my wizards! How did I not see it before?" Matilda gasped as Silver told her friends about what happened at her house over Christmas break.

"That's what I thought! It's so obvious once you think about it." Silver, Bomb, Terrance, and Matilda were all gawking at Chuck and Red, who were down the hall at the entrance of the Great Hall. The two boys were laughing and talking, like all was right with the world.

Red hadn't even had a bad anger outburst since they got back, not over an annoyed tone and slight frustration. That was really something for Red. What the others didn't know, was that the reason Red's moods had been so much better was because Red's biggest fear was gone. The boy no longer feared that he would be alone forever.

"Hey, wanna see if Couch Eagle will let is do some extra practice during free hour?" Chuck asked as the duo approached their friends, oblivious to their stares.

"You mean so you can outfly me some more?" Red chuckled.

"Well...I kinda thought, well maybe you could help me get better?" Chuck blushed slightly as Red laughed lightly.

"I'm just messing with you, Chuck. I'd be more than happy to help you improve your flying, but we gotta work on your Potions work later." Chuck groaned at the ending of Red's statement.

"Come on Red! You know I struggle a bunch with Potions!" Red simply laughed more at Chuck dramatics.

"Well I'm not letting you fail, so if you want me to help you with flying, we're going to work on your Potions work." Red smirked slyly, knowing he'd traped the blonde in a corner.

"Fine." Chuck sighed in defeat. Potions to Chuck was like rocket science to a toddler.

"There you two are!" Matilda exclaimed, "Took you long enough to get here."

"Sorry, Matilda." Red still wore his smirk as he apologized, "We would have been here sooner, but someone realized he'd forgotten his wand in our last class." Chuck reddened at being called out for his forgetfulness.

"Well it's your fault for asking me to come with you to get stuff for your Developing Solution from Professor Leonard!" Chuck playfully punched Red in the shoulder.

"How is that my fault?" Red scoffed on the same playful manner.

"Well...I'll think of something!" Chuck crossed his arms in defeat.

"Alright you two," Silver cooed, "why don't you stop flirting so we can go eat?"

"Flirting!?" The boys cried in union. Both of their faces reddened as they stumbled to explain that they weren't flirting.

"Can we go eat? I'm hungry." Bomb said mildly, annoyed with any more prolonging his lunch.

"Yes." Chuck and Red spoke in unison again. It honestly creeped everyone else out a bit, even Terrance.


"And then Red cracked the broom into a tree!" Chuck exclaimed as he talked about various things that had happened on the vacation.

"Lucky he was close enough to the ground to jump off before he crashed." Sliver added. Everyone tried to contain their laughter at the story, but failed.

"Haha laugh it up." Red said sarcastically, "At least I didn't set your kitchen on fire because I mistook Erumpent Potion for spaghetti sauce." Red gave Chuck a smug smile as he sent the table into another real of giggles.

"I thought we agreed never to talk about that." Chuck spoke defensively as he rubbing his face, which had felt the intense heat of the explosion that had singed his eyebrows.

"Matilda, what did you and Terrance do at Paris?" Bomb asked as the laughter settled down.

"Oh it was so much fun! We met some kids who went to one of the wizard schools there and since I know french, we got to talking about our schools-" the conversation suddenly got interupted by a group of kids that sat next to the group. The majority were popular kids who were older then them, but there were a few who weren't so popular, and some who were first years.

"Hey Eyebrows!" Said a fifth year boy with hair that ended in blue, "You and your boyfriend have a nice Christmas vacation?" Red tried not to blush, but he couldn't help it. The question had caught him off guard.

"What? I don't know what you-"

"You and the little blonde kid right there. Chuck right? Everyone's talking about you two and his you're together now." Now it was Chuck's turn to speak.

"But we're not-"

"No need to hide it blondy," this time a slightly chubby sixth year boy with purple ends to his hair and a swear band spoke, "everyone noticed how you two act around each other, it's so obvious you two are into each other. There's no use denying you're together."

"But they're-" Silver was interupted by a fifth year girl who seemed to be the blue haired boys girlfriend.

"We're not talking to you book worm." The girls voice was bitter and self entitled.

"Okay that's it!" Red stood up and slammed his hands down a little to hard, "It's one thing two talk to me like that, but I refuse to stand by while you talk down to my friends, so you better have a good reason for coming here and claiming things that aren't true." The group just stared at Red until the blue haired boy, who was now obviously their leader, started laughing. They rest if them started laughing not a second after him

"Loyalty is a good thing to have Eyebrows. Look, I apologize for Macy's behavior, she just not very people friendly, and even if you two aren't together, it's obvious you like each other. Better just admit your feelings the letting them pile up over time." The boy waves his hand, shooing his friends that have him hesitant looks before they left.

"Now we're alone," the boy took a moment to look at each face of the friends before him. Each looked at him with anger.

"I'm Eric." Eric stuck out his hand to Red with a charming smile, but Red did not take it, "Not a people guy. I can respect that."

"You still haven't said why you're bugging us." Matilda's voice was unusually hostile. Terrance let out a grumbling sound of warning.

"How rude of me! I came to give you a warning." Eric looked Red and Chuck dead in the eyes, his charming tone replaced with warning and seriousness, "Not everyone in this school likes people like you two, be careful and watch your backs." A chill went through the two younger boys as Eric gave them a charming smile again.

"Anyways, have a nice rest if your day!" Eric got up and left leaving everyone at the table with the same cold feeling.

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