The Last Day Of My Fun life

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Yup you heard it right the last day of my fun life... is my life fun... compared to others... you could say that.

I woke up this morning in my normal mood... grouchy with a slight chance of boring. I ate my normal chocolate cereal and headed to school.

I arrived at class just in time, luckily my favorite teacher is teaching today! she's really nice, she's always telling jokes about the other teachers and giving us hints to help us solve the equation. She was always ok with us goofing off a little but when we fell asleep in class...

"Chester!" my teacher shouted. I fell out of my chair in shock, "Y-Yes Mrs. Comenflower?" I said yawning. "we are in the middle of class I would appreciate if you stopped drooling on your desk and paid attention!" then she proceeded teaching. The students all made an effort to laugh.

I usually don't fall asleep in class but lately I have, cause mom went on vacation leaving me and my stepdad Jayne yes his name is Jayne... I would hate to have that name stamped on my birth certificate. Anyhoo she left me and Jayne with Mural i never liked the name for such a sweet baby girl yup she's my baby sister... half sister anyway. She has been keeping me up all night for the past few days Jayne helps a lot! I actually like Jayne he's really cool unlike my mom she just doesn't want anything to do with me and all I have to hear when she gets home from 'work' is "oh how's my sweet baby girl!" or "have you done your chores yet?" I love Mural but man is she the favorite child.

I came home to the sound of Mural's cry. so I picked her up and started singing to her.
"I don't think that's going to help." my stepdad laughs then walks upstairs. They tell me my voice is terrible so... I don't know but I can see why mom doesn't like me. dad was strong and handsome he had dazzling black hair and warm Chestnut eyes... I have a light brownish ginger hair color and Dark copper eyes I'm pail with freckles on my arms, shoulders, and face. I'm not very good at anything... I know this because that's what I hear every single day... yes it gets old and it used to get to me but I don't let stuff like that bother me anymore.

I took Milly up to her cradle and started making those weird faces that babies like. I call Mural Milly because she likes it better. I tucked her in Then I headed upstairs for bed and fell asleep. . .

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