Chapter XIX

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"Happy Birthday Camila!"

"It's your birthday Walz!" Dinah grinned happily as she hugged her best friend. They are currently in Malibu, The Cabello's recidence to be exact. Sinuhe and Sofia made last minute decisions to fly to California for Camila's birthday.

"Make a wish." Dinah smiled as she held the cake. Camila closed her eyes as she thought of a wish.

"Hang on! There's enough for everyone." Sinuhe laughed as the teenagers gathered upon the table to eat food.

"Happy birthday Lil Mila." Austin chuckled as he handed her his gift.

"Thank you Austy." Camila smiled happily.

"Happy Birthday you meanie." Shawn chuckled as he handed her a gift, Shawn had been a good friend of her now. He eventually opened up about life, which Camila found unbelievable.

"Thank you." The brunette smiled as she received his gift. Shawn was a nice man, a gentleman at that. He used to have a girlfriend named Hailey, who is now currently in a relationship with the popular guy in the school he used to go in Canada.

"Walz! I'm your birthday gift!" Dinah grinned as she hugged her.

"You'd be the greatest gift." Camila smiled hugging the Polynesian.

"I'm kidding, here." Dinah smiled happily. She was glad that the Polynesian had returned, if Dinah was not here the moment she was left alone, She would've eventually lost it. Ally and Normani smiled as they gave their gifts. They were having fun and enjoying when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Mila, someones looking for you." Austin called out, as he answered the door. Camila rushed to the place and her eyes showing confusion, standing in front of her was a man who's holding a boquet of roses.

"This is a delivery Ma'am." The guy smiled as he handed her the rose.

"From who?" Camila asked as she closed the door from behind her.

"There was no name or anything left for the delivery, just flowers and your address."

"Do you have the copy of the message? I mean the address message?" Camila asked.

"Yes, here you go Ma'am." The guy smiled politely as he showed him the instructions. It was printed, Camila sighed and nodded while the guy smiled again before moving away from the brunette and walking towards the car. As the guy was walking away, Camila's eyes landed on a familiar hammock.

"Walz?" Dinah asked as she went out the front door closing it behind her.

"China." Camila mumbled.

"Someone sent flowers."

"I can see that, but why do you seem so shocked?" Dinah chuckled.

"It's roses Dinah."

"Yeah? So?" The Polynesian answered.

"What's my favorite flower?" Camila asked biting her lip.

"Sunflowers duh, Whoever sent you those doesn't clearly know you." Dinah said as she chewed on the cake she had, while Camila gave her a soft smile and nodded.

"Come back inside Mani and Ally are playing Mario Kart, they're getting really riled up." The Polynesian said while Camila nodded before Dinah went inside.

"If your loved one suddenly disappear, will you look for them? Or will you wait till they return?" Lauren's voice echoed in her eyes as she touched her necklace. It's been 3 months, still no sign of the raven. She tried to trace the places she was last seen but all they said was Lauren went with Lucy, she tried to find Lucy but couldn't find her. She even dragged Austin to the woman's condominium only to find out that she hasn't come home since New Years.

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