A Little Note

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Halo! Warm greetings to you, reader.

If this is your first time stumbling into my account/stories. Welcome, you can call me Tobi. :)

I've been getting a few messages about how they think I wrote this book in a fast paced manner, and that I should edit this. As well as other comments I'd rather not disclose here.

To get facts straight...

Strawberries and Cigarettes is a book not written by me. Rather, it was written by my 18 year old friend who passed away nearly a year ago. Who used to go by the name "Twix".

Maybe it will fit your range of interest, maybe it won't. We all have different preferences. If you don't like a fast paced kind of book, I suggest you skip this along.

If you stumbled upon my account from a different book and decided to read this, you'd know that I listen to my readers, and even use their ideas for the betterment of my books, but not this one.

The book was an original idea Twix thought of about, and I would appreciate it if you'd just respect it as how it is. Because I don't plan on removing this on my profile, nor editing it. I will leave this as it is.

You can just skip this, than commenting or messaging me about how you think this book is the least of "my" works.

In my opinion, this book is perfectly written by Twix. The fact that she isn't a writer by choice, she just had an idea that she wanted to write about is a blessing to me.

This account happened to have a few followers who read my books back in 2012-2013. And with her idea, she gave life back to this account, and brought me back to writing.

That's all. :)) I'm not mad or anything, I'm just clarifying things hehe.

I hope you enjoy Strawberries and Cigarettes, by my friend, Twix. May she find the happiness she was looking for. :))

-Tobi, :))

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