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"left stance, you watch your opponent and look for any weaknesses, look your opponent straight in the eye when talking, it shows confidence, you have to let your opponent know you are not weak, never hesitate with your words or moves, it gives your opponent chances to find your weaknesses and attack, you must stand upright, broad chest, chin up and voice of confidence, this are key, do you understand" my dad said pacing slowly with his hands behind his back watching us

"yes sir" everyone's voice echoed in the training room

"good, you are dismissed" with that everyone left leaving just me and my dad, as I wiped my face with my towel and gulped down my bottle of water and washing my face.

"you did good today"

"thanks dad" he cleared his throat

"oh, thank you alpha"

"hey! no need to be so formal, besides training session is over" he said grinning at him making me mirror his expression.

I saw his eyes glaze over, mind link, before he balled his fist by his sides and a low growl escaped his lips,

"come with me" he said dragging me out of the training room, picking up his speed as we raced down the halls, screams were heard from outside as people rushed around, carrying their children, confusion clearly written on my face, I looked at my father to see him looking straight ahead, a scowl present on his face

"dad, what's going on?"

No reply

"Dad, answer me, what the hell is going on?" I asked a little bit louder, he looked at me for a brief second before turning back, we took a turn walking into the restricted area, we barely come here, something big is going on, he put his fingerprints using his claw and did an eye scan, before the titanium door opened, still pulling we walked deeper, passing by shelfs with ancients books and rare jewels

"Dad, you're scaring me"

"Dad please tell me what's going on?" I looked at him, my eyes pleading for an answer

"We're under attack" I felt my eyes widen


"yes and no, a pack is with them, it's like they had some kind of negotiations, so the rouges are working for the pack"

"what's the name of the pack in question?"

"it doesn't matter, what happens Is that you have to leave here now" he said opening the box, bringing out the emerald medallion, making me gasp, bringing my hands to cover my mouth, the medallion was the most sacred and the most priceless jewel of them all, it had never been outside that box since as I can remember, making me gasp, bringing my hands to cover my mouth

"Dad" I whispered; he didn't listen just placed it over my neck

"go meet your mother in your room, she's already waiting for you there, now" he said trying to push me out, 

"Dad no!!!, I want to stay here, i want to fight, all my trainings for many years won't go to waste, I can finally put what I've learned into actions," 

"Lashley, this isn't the time for you to put up your usual persistence, we're under attack not a food fight, now leave now" he said his alpha voice  pushing me out, I ran to my room, to see my mother in my room, stuffing my clothes in back along with a large sum of money, before zipping it up, he handed it over to me, before she looked at me

"I want you to leave, now! and no matter what you will not come back here, that is a direct order from your alpha and Luna" she said with her Luna voice, I just starred at her not knowing what to say or do, before she broke down a tear sliding down her cheeks, I moved my hand to wipe away the tear, before she pulled into an embrace

"I love you sweetie, me and your father does" she said kissing my forehead, it felt like she was saying her last goodbye

"I know, I love you too" I said hugging her back

"now go" before I stood the door broke down revealing a grey wolf

"Run, now" my mum said with wide eyes before she shifted into her own wolf, I shifted picking up the bag in my mouth as I ran, death and blood feeling my snout making my cringe slightly, I ran out of the territory, a tight feeling in my heart, the pack bond just broke, the last thing I heard before I slumped on the floor, was a scream, the scream of my mum.

Alpha Damian (The Emerald medallion)Where stories live. Discover now