Chapter 1

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Word count: 1034


I started into the horizon sitting on a rock, the wind moving freely making my hair flow in a dramatic way, as I inhaled the sweet scent of nature, it's been months since the attack, the attack that changed everything and took lots of lives of the wolfs in my pack- the Emerald moon pack.

I sighed closing my eyes as the memories or what you can actually call nightmares of the attack playing in my head, from the screaming of women to when they ripped out the throats of their mates, to when they started taking down our pack members one after the other, as I stood there in shock not really able to process anything, before my father dragged me to the restricted area, he handed me the emerald medallion, ordering me to shift, run and never look back,  just when I was about to enter into the forest scream that kept playing in my head every night, the scream haunting me each day and night,

the agonizing scream of my mother.

I keep blaming myself for it times without number because it's true, my mind keeps telling me I was better than that, I could have stayed and fight till my last breath but the decision wasn't up to me, it was a direct command, by my father, the alpha, and my mother, the Luna, I couldn't question they're decision after all they were my parents.

I opened my eyes as a hot tear slid down my cheeks on my cold skin as I'm being faced with reality, I let out a shaky sigh as I clutched onto the medallion in my hand using my fingers to trace the edges of it, I keep being reminded of the attack every single day, the medallion making it worse knowing it was the reason behind it all, I reason behind the attack, the reason I'm not with my family anymore, and the reason I'm now a rouge, a wolf without a pack.

I didn't choose the life I'm currently leaving, I didn't want to live my pack, for all things I know I loved it there, but that stupid pack attack changed everything, families were being separated, lives were lost, all because of a stupid medallion, I still don't even know the name of the pack who attacked us.

I looked at the waterfall, watching it go freely, sometimes I wonder why I haven't ended my now pathetic life, because every day I feel like I have nothing to live for, I mean when your mind keeps telling you, you've failed a lot of people, you just tend to want to give up but my wolf- flora, keeps comforting me and telling me everything will fall back in place and be ok, that's the only comfort I get now.

My communication with my pack stopped immediately I crossed my boards, as if breaking the ties, I hold with everyone in the pack, i can still feel the aching feeling of my heart till now even though it's been months.

I stood up brushing the dust away from my dress, before stuffing the medallion into my bra, I don't wear it out as a normal necklace, the fear of any person from the werewolf world recognizing it, i mean that's the whole  reason for the separation.

I started walking out of the forest before I finally reached the end, my one-bedroom apartment already facing me, I liked the house close to the forest, the forest reminded me of home, my home, I sighed unlocking the front door and looking inside cautiously, since the whole attack, all my senses of been going haywire, my ears perked at any sound, my eyes followed every slight movement, my nose traced off every scent, because I knew what they want, and they won't stop till they get it.

Feeling assured that the house was safe, I walked in, closing the door behind me before walking to the mini-fridge, brought out a bottle of water and chugged the whole thing down, I sighed before trashing it into the dustbin, I sat down on the bed burying my face in my palms, as the silence swallowed me, I hate when places are quite it reminds me of my pack of how things were quiet before that pack attacked.

I closed my eyes as I listened to the silence, the only sound heard was the sound of my heart beat, I don't have any friends, since I prefer keeping to myself and keeping a low profile than making a friend and risk being exposed or worst putting the person in danger.

I felt my eyes dropping slowly, I struggled keeping my eyes open, I haven't been able to sleep for days, the fear of being killed kept ringing in my head, my whole body wants to practically shut down but I try keeping my eyes open, after few minutes of struggling I finally give in and drifted to a dreamless slumber.


I wake with the sound of noise ringing my head making me to jolt up from bed standing up quickly only to fall back down and the sudden movement.

The noise continues as it becomes more rapid, my heart beat accelerating at the same time, my many thoughts and assumptions running through my mind

Have they found me?

Do they know my location?

Are they going to kill me?

I waited there my legs stuck to the floor, my body shaking with fear, I was never the one to be afraid and back down of something, but since the attack I lost hope on a lot of things in life, only goddess knows what she has planned.

Listening more carefully, the sound of thunder shook the ground and the sound of harsh rain drops hitting the roof, I let out a deep sigh in relief knowing it was just rain as I calmed myself down to control my heart beat.

Minutes turned into hours as the rain continued to pour down heavily, I listened to the sound, which suddenly sounded like music to my ears, as I started humming a tune I remembered as I tapped my foot, this was my way of calming down, humming a song and feeling the lyrics.

After few minutes the rain finally died down, which I was somehow thankful for, I don't think my sensitive ears could handle any more of the thunder roars, I'm currently sitting on my bed with a cup of steaming tea in my had as I read through a novel, soon after I drifted to sleep.



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