Alice x Saviour Male Reader

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I am aware that Alice is lesbian in the OUAT series but for the sake of this story she likes boys anyway onto the story
As you threw the magic bean you thought of only 1 thing a new adventure as you chucked the bean it opened a few portal and you didn't hesitate to run through sword in hand as you stepped out into the new land it almost seemed familiar and then it hit you your bean took you to the wish realm not exactly your most favourable location but none the less an adventure awaits you head into a nearby tavern hoping to overhear a tale for you to seek out as you entered the tavern you could hear the groggy noises of drunks at the contact of fist on skin you sat down across from a highly occupied table just in time
Thief 1: "I heard there's a tower that holds someone she be trapped for the rest of her life or something like that"
Thief 2: "That's just some old folk lore there be no lady trapped in a tower in the middle of nowhere"
As you heard them talking you were willing to take the chance so you began your search in the deep woods crossing land and rivers until all hope seemed lost you spotted bricking in the distance you ran over and you saw it a large brick tower with a few cracks but standing strong you were curious if someone was actually trapped who you could help so you somewhat flew/hovered up to the opening as you climbed through you noticed a few things scattered seemed almost abandoned although you still held you sword firmly
Y/N: "Hello is anyone here I'm not here to hurt you I just want to help"
You waited for a few seconds no response such a shame until a girl around your age with blonde hair and a blue dress with a white bow tie reared the corner with a short sword almost a dagger in hand with a firm grip although you both seemed to stare at each other quite intently scanning each other over she doesn't back down
???: "Who are you and what do you want"
Y/N: "Sorry how rude of me I'm Y/N and back in my land I'm referred to as the saviour I help people and I heard your stuck here so I'd thought I'd come and help" you sheathed your sword having no intention to hurt her
Alice: "Well I'm Alice and that's sounds grand but how do I know you won't kill me the second you get the chance"
You don't hesitate to throw your sword her direction she picks it up and throws it out of range slightly softening her once aggressive nature as she lowered her dagger and she moves forward you stand still as she sits down offering you a seat you sit down across from her
Alice: "So here to help me huh well you seem like a nice person but how am I supposed to know you aren't just going to use me for some sort of sick twisted thing"
Y/N: "Unfortunately you can't really but you seem to be out of options and I do genuinely want to help you I just need your trust" as you slide your thick jacket off revealing a few scars and bumps along your arms but overall a well toned body which seems to catch the eye of Alice
Y/N: "I bet there isn't much company up here huh must get kinda lonely"
As Alice snaps out of her trance she nods
Alice: "yea it's been about 7 years since I've actually seen someone but I get by"
You felt sad when Alice explained that to you knowing how desperate she must be to get out of this tower
Alice: "anyway how do you intend of getting me out of this huge stupid tower"
You reach into you bag and pull out a map explaining to Alice the power that the treasure holds with surely crack the barrier holding her in as you say your goodbyes to go on the hunt for the treasure you turn to Alice
Y/N: I promise to return whenever I can to talk and I WILL return with that treasure
*almost 2 months later*
You had slept overtime that night knowingly you had the hook in tow you should have just went straight back to Alice but you slept you were weary and tired after a while of walking you hit the tower climbing through it's entrance to be hugged by Alice turns out after risking life and limb a girl really get nice and appreciative as she lets go you 2 stare at each other you find yourselves in this position many a time but nothing happens
Y/N: "I have amazing news Alice I got the hook" as you pulled it out of your bag
She smiles overjoyed
Alice: "OMG you got it Y/N thank you thank you I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you" you chuckled saying it was fine this is what you do as you grabbed the hook and pulled Alice to your side she blushed and you reminded her just to be save as you slammed the hook into the floor of the tower it began to crackle and crumble and a huge pain shot through your arm making you scream and drop to the floor
Alice: "Noo omg Y/N are you ok please be ok I need you" she cried as you lent up to tell her
Y/N: "Remember me" that said you twisted you hand with the ounce of strength you had left to send Alice clear of the building she cried out you went down with it after minutes passed by Alice dug you up your body covered in dust and blood as Alice cried she kissed your forehead and a surge of energy passed across what felt like an infinite distance you sat up weary of what happened Alice smiled through sobs as she hugged you closely and pulled back to catch yourselves in another stare but this time you weren't going to let it just be a stare holding the back of her head and slamming your lips together as Alice kissed back the moment felt perfect never wanting it to end but the need for air overcame them you both just smiled at each other as you both knew you were spending your happy ever after together

Thanks for reading this one was ALOT longer than usual but I hope you enjoyed

Various Females (movies, games and Tv series) x Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now