Clefairy and the moon stone

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"I'm no pharmacist, I'm a scientist.Oh it grants me knowledge and research, I am Seymour the scientist!"Says newly dubbed Seymour the scientist."Good for you, now tell us what's goin on and be done with it."Meowth says annoyed.

The soon walk in the cave and Seymour is talking."See, the cave is all lit up inside.Someones put up all these lights.These Pokémon naturally like dark places so it's making them go crazy."Seymour tells the group."So that's why they attacked you."Brock said."Pokémon like those Zubat need the cave to be dark or it doesn't feel natural for them making them attack every thing they're not used to."Meowth says."Yes, and look these Paras and Sandshrew are bumping into things left and right."Seymour says."It usually takes the Pokémon five days to get used to the light if they're with their trainers, but now they have to do this by themselves."Seymour says."But that's why I'm here to protect these Pokémon and take down these lights."Seymour says."Why would they go here with all these nasty Paras."Misty says."Hey, don't be mean to the Pokemon.Also it's because of the moon stone that can evolve certain Pokémon which are super rare."Seymour says.They soon here a clefairy holding a moon stone hopping along.Clefairy, the fairy Pokémon.It's adorable behavior and cry make it highly popular.However, this cute Pokemon is rarely found."Wow, I guess it's a rare sight to see."Ash says.They soon hear the clefairy cry out scared and they see what's happening."Raticate!"A familiar rat says."Hey get away from clefairy!"Ash yells."That ain't no random Raticate.That's Cassidy and Bill's Raticate."Meowth says."It's Butch!"A distant voice says."Team Rocket's causing all the trouble, what a surprise."Ash says sarcastically."We better stop them from making even more trouble."Brock says."Trouble, make it double."A certain duo say."We should really copy right that."James says."Prepare for trouble.And make it double!Heres our mission, so you better listen!To infect the world with devastation!To blight all people in every nation!To denounce the goodness of truth and love!To extend our wrath to the stars above!Cassidy!And Butch of course!We're team Rocket, circling the earth all day and night!Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!Raaticate!"The trio and their Pokémon say."Those guys are just show offs."Seymour says."You probably put the lights in here didn't you!It's making the Pokémon so confused and scared"Brock says."What a shame, now get out of our way or else!"Cassidy says pulling out a Pokeball."Or else what.You're gonna force us to look your face!"Ash replies."You're learning, anyway go!"Jessie says releasing her Pokémon."Yeah go!"Ash says and the group release their Pokémon.They soon defeat the duo and they run out the cave.But they forget about Raticate who was told just in case they lost to at least get a moon stone.They soon see him try to take one from the same Clefairy but send him packing.It's the sun set and they're sitting by the cave eating."Hey what's that?"Brock asks as James is feeding his Pokémon."It's my Pokémon food I made.Meowth's been helping me improve the recipe."James says as Meowth bites into his food."Needs a bit more Pecha berrie."Meowth says."I also make some my self.I always have to improve it but with Meowth being able to talk it'll be easier to see if they like it.Meowth you mind trying it?"Brock ask."Sure, it probably won't b- wow this is pretty good!Jimmy you have some competition!"Meowth says."Well without James I'd be feeding my Pokémon only sandwiches."Ash says.They hear the other Pokémon talking to each other and they run off."Hey Meowth what were they talking about."Ash asks chasing them."I don't get into other people's business unless I wanna."Meowth replies.The Pokemon take them to another cave with a giant Moon Stone."So this must be the meteor people said was here, wait what's clefairy doing?"Ash asks.Clefairy drops the moon stone it has in it's hands around the biggest one completing the circle around it and it starts to glow.Other Clefairy come out of little crevasses in the cave and one does a little twirl and they start dancing around the moon stone."Clefairy's saying that they're doing the evolution ritual."Meowth says."Well it looks like we hit the jackpot Butch."Cassidy says."Yep, we told you we'd come back."Butch says."You guys never no when to quit do you."Misty says."I don't believe quitting is in our vocabulary."Cassidy says."I'm surprised you even have that much of a vocabulary."Ash says."Grrr.Alright now you done it go!"Butch says.Houndour comes out and uses smog.Of course they can't see, but Pidgey, Butterfree, and spearow blow away the smog to see the moon stone taken."I didn't know they worked this fast, the battle must of been a trick."Misty says."Onix try to follow them under ground!"Brock says and Onix burrows down."We'll there's still a chance for us to catch them, come on!"Ash says and the group run off.

With the duo they tied the moon stone to a large sled and are sliding down.Soon though Onix finds them and breaks the sled.The group soon gets to them and Onix try's to wrap around the villains but Mankey uses karate chop on him making him pull back.Out of the same tunnel Onix came from is the clefairy and Seymour.The Clefairy start to use metronome being hyper beam sending the duo blasting off.Due to the attack the moon Stone breaks but it falls on every clefairy causing them to evolve and Ash to scan.Clefable, the fairy Pokémon.Their ears are sensitive enough to hear a pin drop from over a mile away, they're usually found in quite places.The group return to the cave with the Clefairy and Clefable celebrating evolving."I've decided to live with the Clefairy for research.It's been my life's dream to find the moon stone.Some day I'll be able to know everything about the moon stone and help people learn about it's power."Seymour says."Well I could ju-"Meowth says but gets cut off by James covering his mouth."Let him have his moment."James says.They say goodbye to Seymour and cary on their adventure.On the way to Cerulean City they decide to start training to which Brock and Misty join in.Again they search up on the Pokédex for what moves they should teach their Pokémon.Pikachu should learn thunder bolt, Pidgey should learn air cutter, Butterfree should learn stun spore, poison powder, and sleep powder, Growlie is learning fire fang, Carnivine should learn bug bite, Meowth should learn Aerial ace, Koffing should learn sludge, Bellsprout should learn poison powder and stun spore, Ekans should learn poison jab, Spearow should learn quick attack, Kakuna should work on dodging, Goldeen should learn aqua jet, Staryu should learn power gem, Onix should learn dragon breath, Geodude should learn magnitude and Ryhorn should learn thunder fang.Pikachu quickly learns thunder bolt and is learning double team, Pidgey quickly learns Air cutter and is learning double team and has also evolved.Butterfree quickly learns his moves with Bellsprout and is learning energy ball.Growlie soon learns fire fang and is learning fire spin.Carnivine with the help of Kakuna learns bug bite and is learning razor leaf.Meowth quickly learns aerial ace with his species being naturally acrobatic and Pikachu is helping him learn thunder bolt but his is more of a thundershock.Koffing naturally learns sludge and is also learning Thunder bolt but it's more of a thundershock to.Bellsprout soon learns her moves with Butterfree and with Carnivine she's learning razor leaf.Ekans soon learns poison jab and is learning Aqua tail.Spearow with the help of Pidgey learns quick attack and is learning double team.Kakuna is getting better at moving and has also evolved.He naturally learns twineedle and is learning cross poison.Goldeen quickly learns aqua jet and is learning icy wind.Staryu learns power gem and is learning Aurora beam.Onix has some trouble with dragon breath but gets it down and is learning stealth rock.Geodude soon learns magnitude and is learning Gyro ball from Koffing.Ryhorn with the help of Pikachu learns thunder fang and is learning smart strike.After the training they get to a sign saying that just ahead is Cerulean City.Though scribbled in the corner says."Gary was here.Ash is a loser."It says.Ash of course being mad runs to Cerulean City trying to catch up with his rival.

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