Chapter 12

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The rest of the flight went smoothly, little turbulence but when there was some, Louis would grab my hand and give me some comforting words. We continued listening to each other's playlist even making one for each other. We also watch season one of Avatar the Last Airbender, my favorite show ever, yet Louis has never seen or heard of it. You can imagine my disappointment at that. We also ending up falling asleep, though I didn't get much because Millie was right. Louis does snore and loud too. When we arrived at LAX, it was dark out, checking the time it was already 10 pm.

When Louis and I finally made it to the rental car area after having some difficulty at the baggage claim and Louis making a pit stop at the restrooms, we walked up to the Partridge family with Mr. Partridge clearly looking stressed out.

"Guys what's going on?" Louis asked when we got close. They looked up at us.

"There happened to be a mistake in the system about our rental car and we won't be getting it till tomorrow morning." Mr. Partridge replied, with his hand on his hip and phone at his ear.


I thought about it for a second before mentioning the idea, "Wait I can check if my car is here and we can carpool together since we'll be in the same hotel?"

Mr. Partridge ended his call and looked at me. "Are you sure Ami? The car might be tight and we don't even know if your car is here." I then excused myself making my way to check out my car. Luckily, it was there. I told the Partridge's the good news and lead them the way to my ride. It was a five persons seat car, Millie will have to sit on Issie's lap or something which she didn't seem to mind. After squeezing all the luggage's into the trunk, we piled into the car. Mr. Partridge offered to drive because he's polite like that, but when I saw him sitting in the front seat looking at the gear, I was confused.

"Everything alright Mr. Partridge?" I tapped on his shoulder as I was sitting behind him.

"Oh uh everything's okay, but I don't think I can drive..." Everyone then turned to him, "it's stick." He looked up innocently.

Oh shoot, I forgot to mention that. "Oh sorry Mr. Partridge, I'll drive the car then." already unlocking my door and getting out.

"You know how to drive stick Ami?" He asked once we switched seats.

I nodded, "Oh yeah, I actually only know how to drive stick, my Tio who taught me how to drive never taught me automatic or anything." I buckled in, turning to the person who occupied the passenger seat, which happens to be Louis. We exchanged smiles. I asked if everyone's ready to go and turn the engine on. While we were trying to leave the busyness of LAX, Mr. Partridge went on asking me about stick, intrigued with the fact my 16 year old 5'1 self can drive a car like this.

When we got onto the freeway, I asked if they wanted to stop for some food, but they were busy being amazed by how beautiful L.A. looks at night. Then I asked if they were tired, they hurriedly said no, then I smirked. I gave Louis my unlocked phone and told him to start my "happy late night drives" playlist. Once La La Land by Bryce Vine started to play, I rolled down the windows and blasted the speakers, not too loud though.

"Partridge Family! Hope you don't mind because you'll be late night exploring L.A." I yelled out over the wind while driving into downtown L.A. I noticed Louis smiling at me from the corner of my eye, turning to him but keeping an eye on the road, I smiled back. Pleased with where I'm in life now.

I showed the family Chinatown, showing them my family's favorite restaurant promising them I'll take them there before they leave, my old high school, we also drove down Rodeo Drive, I noticed Louis and Issie perk up when we passed by the big brand name stores.

I finally took them to the Staples Center where we went out to stretch. We walked around the big arena, all of them including me in awe. I took them to the Kobe and Gianna Memorial at the arena, I even started to tear up, remembering all the times I used to go here with family. We were huge Lakers fans, still are, but the death of one of first people I looked up to while growing up hit me hard. I remember my dad and I drove here the night the crash it happened and I was overwhelmed with sadness seeing everyone gather to remember his soul. May he, Gianna and the other passengers rest in peace. At this point I was sitting on a bench crying. While everyone else was looking around, Mr. Partridge came over and pulled me into his arms comforting me.

As he rubbed my back, I said to no one in particular, "I'm finally home."

Time skip to when the reach their hotels and checked in

After leaving my luggage's on top of my bed and opening the door that the Partridge family and I shared between our two rooms, I walked over to the desk where a vase of purple orchid's stood with a note. I touched the petals softly, chuckling lightly. Someone came up behind me.

"Pretty flowers", I turned, it was Louis.

"Thank you, they're orchids." He took the note attached to the flowers and read aloud.

"You already know love mom, dad and the boys" He looked back at me confused.

"What does that mean?" He asked. I sat down taking my shoes off.

"My mom told me that everything has a meaning behind it, specifically flowers." I put the shoes under the desk and looked back up at him.

"So what does this mean?" He looked at the flowers then to me curiously.

"They just mean I will always love you." I threw open my luggage looking for my pjs. "They're not my favorite. I personally like red gardenia's better. It's a silent way of saying I love you but also several other feelings, not just love towards a person." We locked eyes from across the room.

"That's really cute." I looked away and grabbed my clothes.

"Yeah it's whatever." I closed my luggage and closed the bathroom door.


ayyyy they finally made it in L.A. let's go. anyways hope you guys like this chapter, feel free to comment any thought you have, i love reading them. don't forget to vote and share !!!

- jules

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