"I have An ambition: To Restore My CLAN"

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Tl;Dr: By that line, Sasuke means that he wants to restore the former GLORY and the HONOR of his Clan....

This analysis (mini- rant) comes straight from my list of horribly misunderstood Naruto lines, symbols and catchphrases.This line from the freshly Academy Graduate ninja Uchiha Sasuke - - - "I have an ambition/ To restore my Clan... And kill a certain man" - - - stirred an eruption of earth-shattering ridiculously mind-cracking "bingos" from the obsessive breeders.

Seriously, I don't think that there's another Naruto Manga like to cause so much cognitive dissonance among the fans like this one.

And no, I'll say it frankly, I don't care about adults because they are already too far gone into the narrative of the Life Script, but young fans... Considering how this manga addresses to kids and teenagers......

This peculiar line from a 12 years old Sasuke lavished the heart-filled zombified eyes of the breeders of all ages within the fanbase and I find it both irrating and worrysome.

What type of crooked witchcraft or ghouly spell society cast over the minds of the youngsters in order to turn them into such enthusiastic Life Script devotees?!

Let's get it clear from the start: what Sasuke meant with this line "I want to restore my Clan" is absolute BARREN, stripped, annulled, zilch and VOID of any sexual connotation!

To "restore a Clan" emanating from the mouth of a 12 years old, mentally troubled orphan who underwent a life-scarring traumatic event, witnessing the brutal assassination of his entire family, is nothing but a METAPHORICAL way of saying that he wishes to restore the HONOR and the GLORY of his deceased family, that's now drifting into obscurity.

How can anyone sane in the head think that a 12 years old Sasuke, under those circumstances, would nonchalantly and bluntly spill in front of a man who's bound to test their skills into deciding whether they are worthy as being his pupils, that hsi dream is to spill his semen high and low in order to literally repopulwtimg his deceased Clan with mini-copies of himself!

It's not even amusing, in fact, is so disgustingly worrysome that it can't even count as a poorly executed faux attempt of a crack fic or a pamphlet or a parody.

I swear on Ramen that every time I'm hearing the breeders from the fanbase hurtling this line of his to justify their unhealthy obsession with reproducing and DNA combinations (Orochimaru is crying prideful tears of joy at their pathological obsession for manipulating and experimenting on human genome) I feel my blood simmering and my temples pounding.

At 12 years old, children are in the cusp of puberty which marks the debut of their sexual identities as well as the discovery of their sexual attraction; their curiosity sparks for the opposite sex and curiosity invites to further "exploration" and discoveries.

But reproducing is far from their minds at this age! In fact, it would be extremely worrisome if a pubescent kid would already set his mind in stone to breed as many times as possible (implicitly, to repopulate an entire Clan which accounts for HUNDREDS or THOUSAND of MEMBERS).

What are we even talking about here? I put the entire blame on the shoulder of the society, because society accounts for manipulating, indoctrination, reshaping and maneuvering the fragile minds of the children, moulding them into growing up with this unhealthy mindset: to breed as a free pass for guaranteed happiness and life accomplishment.

A bigger nonsense than the sky above. The arithmetic here is simple as the clever as the web of manipulation and indoctrination goes: society survives on NUMBERS.

The more, the merrier. Capitalism and society also rely on numbers to perpetuate the pyramidal slavery system or the social contract - - work then retire.

Sasusaku analysis. Critique of couple's dynamics and characters dissolutionWhere stories live. Discover now