~Sasusaku analysis 2~

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~Sasusaku analysis ~

~Sasusaku analysis ~ ~~ Sasuke and Sakura - - pair analysis ~~ ~THE BRIDGE SCENE~ (Team 7 Reunion - - after the Five Kage Summit)

---PART 2---

The bridge is broken it can't connect she can't reach to him.

"Why would you want to join me?", again, shockingly and amusingly, it's Sasuke who initiates the dialogue in such a personal and intimate note. He knows about her underlying intentions, he's inwardly insulted by her rather cowardly act (to moor to such a precious past memory of sincerity from him as a deceiving tool to kill him) and yet he still doesn't snap.

He's severely injured, his weakened, he's tired, he's bleeding, he is almost blind, he is running out of time, he's chased by strong shinobi, enemies are on his tail, the Kage are probably rushing to get their hands on him, he has all the reasons in the universe to cut any trifling conversation short and vanish from there.

But no!

No, he takes his time to chatter with Sakura who, hypothetically speaking, means nothing but a severed and unimportant past bond to him.

This only proves that Sasuke cares SO MUCH about Sakura that he's actually rendering his running-out time to silence and takes his time to explain their differences to her, as she seeks to still reel in confusion.

Using personal, intimate phrases with such a tone in his voice like he's her lover. The tragi-comedy derived from this act is bittersweet humorous and very theatrical. And so unlike the conniption that Sasuke normally displays.

This time, the reader is directly introduced into the manga to increase the tension and the feelings of the moment. Unlike the first time when no one was present, not even the reader when the departed from the village, ar have Karin as a witness hut she's the voice of the reader. And so we as the audience can have full access to feel the built up drama of the moment. We feel the pain and angst and haunting anticipation churning in our own hearts as viewed through Karina's lenses (a metaphor for letting us know that we could also be seeing a distorted, false representation of what transpires between them _the manga wants to confuse us even more).

"What are you trying to pull?" he flat out warns her to proceed with cautious when touching memories that he treasures deeply as thru are iconic and holy to Sasuke (he tells Danzo "do not talk to me about Itachi, as per reference to how Sasuke doesn't react well when someone touches something that's untouchable and sacred to him). Also letting her know first-hand that she can drop her act of deception because it will never work with him.

It's a double insult. Not only she's ridiculing a precious memory but she is also mocking his shinobi skills.

He's still calm yet which speaks volumes for how easily his conniption flames when provoked. It proves that Sakura is definitely someone of utter importance to him, someone very special if he's that patient with her.

What is she trying to achieve by appearing before him in this morn of the biggest manga conflict? Why does she stand before him with so much inner turmoil?

Sakura's confusion shows the difference between them. "I have no ulterior motive!" she knows that it's pointless to deny it and she'll only make herself look ridiculous in his eyes using such cliché and feeble deceiving methods to corner a top-tier shinobi like Sasuke. Also, her words could be interpreted as the respond to what Sasuke inwardly tried to ask as she lets him know that, in spite of any linger animosity that separate them, she's honest when she says she wants to be with him.

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