~Episode 16~

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Amity's POV

          I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see light spells scattered around the room, showing off its glow from the darkness of the room. I tried sitting up from my spot and surprisingly hardly anything hurts, I then fully scanned the room. It was a blueish-puurple room with pictures of Luz, what looks like her mom and Edalyn Clawthorne.

The room had barely anything here beside alot of boxes making me think Luz just moved in here. The bed was in the left side of the room, with a windowsill just a few steps away. The window was covered with some curtains but the light spell was keeping the room from being completely dark.

'How long was I out?' I tried to remember how long was I asleep on Luz's bed, until I heard the door slowly creek open, letting a tall kinda skinny figure enter.

It was Luz

Luz was balancing some food and glasses of water in her hands and smiled warmly to me.

"Huh, didnt expect you to be awake now," She quietly mumbled almost hard for me to hear her voice. She placed down what looks like noodles with some toppings, gryfin meat and some water.

"Hope mystery meat and some ramen sounds nice." She made a spell circle in the tips of her fingers and made a golden circle summoning what looks like a small table for people who are bed ridden.

She gently placed it over my legs and placed some food and one cup of water on the mini table. I looked at her with shock on my face and looked down on the food.

Tiny sobs escaped from my mouth as I remember what happened before all of this. Luz was silent but she quickly got up and raised my chin with her finger. "Hey, hey dont cry. Does anywhere else hurts or something?" She asked me with a caring tone. I shook my head 'no' and said. "T-this, Thi..s is, Al-all m...my, fault..." I managed to stutter out with a few tears dripping down my cheek.

She softly smile and wipe my tears away from my face and gently mumbled something but I couldn't hear it.

"What are you crying about Hermosa?" Luz said, I couldn't understand what 'Hermsa" or something close to that word means. 

I just look at her in confusion and she just hugged my sides resting her head on top of mine. I nuzzled closer to her neck but not too close, Im not trying to make her uncomfortable or anything. After a few minutes in that warm hug she let go making my ears drop down, missing the warmth of the hug.

She convinced me to just eat something and try to do some of the project with Willow and Boscha downstairs. I did her request and ate the food, I swear the food taste like heave! Like whatever 'Ramen' is, it's incredibly delicious.

I finished up all the food Luz brought and drank the glass of water. 'Titan when was the last time I had a good meal? Right every party Only' Luz took my plate and her plate and started to leave the room before I said. "Wait,"

She looked back at me with a puzzled look. "C-could I borrow some of your clothes?" I mummbled at her, feeling a warm sensation forming in my cheeks and ears.

She made another spell circle to float the plated and glasses off of her hands and made her way to her closet, rummaging around and stopped to grab me a pair of  shorts, a long dark gray sweater and some pink knee socks. She gently placed it on the bed the left the room.

I didnt like the feeling of her leaving me here alone but the again why dont I want her to leave my side?

I grabbed her clothes and changed into it. It was slightly bigged but still fits like a glove, It made me feel warm yet embarrassed. 'Why am I like this?' I thought to myself before hearing a knock on the door.

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