Chapter 6

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By nine am Will had already dealt with an alcohol poisoning, heart attack, broken hip, a chest infection and several runny noses. He'd left Jay's before either Erin or his brother had even woken up, choosing to shower and grab breakfast once at Med. He'd even been a half hour early for his shift and had started seeing people almost at once, determined to get on with his day and distract himself from the mess his personal life was currently in. Neither did he want to get into a conversation with Maggie who was excitedly catching April up on Owen and trying to catch his eye over the shoulder of the younger nurse.

He was studiously avoiding her, occupying himself with work while he kept an eye out for any sign of Natalie and Owen on their way home.

She didn't appear until after ten and by that time he was beginning to think she'd gone straight home without dropping in, or that in his bid to avoid Maggie he had missed her. When he saw her step from the lift, Owen on her hip, he couldn't help the smile that broke across his face – and when she seen him, grinning over at her, he could have sworn her whole face lit up.

Dude it's just the lighting.

"There they are!" Maggie was on top of her in a heartbeat, grabbing a hug and taking the chance to coo over Owen, who was a different boy from the one who had been brought in just under a week ago. The charge nurse, who had taken a hold of the baby, looked back at Will over her shoulder and raised her eyes. "Get your butt over here Dr Halstead, and give Master Manning the attention he deserves!" Will shook his head and tossed his tablet to the side.

"Hey, you." Natalie smiled, as Maggie stepped back to let Will pull her into a quick hug.

"Bet you're glad to be getting out of here." He joked.

"You have no idea – I am desperate for a night in my own bed."

"Here I was thinking you'd grown fond of the arm chair."

"I will not miss that chair." Natalie laughed. They were both smiling and briefly met each other's gaze as Owen started to fuss. He was twisting around in Maggie's arms, turning his neck at the sound of the voices behind him.

"You looking for your momma, clingy boy?" Maggie asked, turning him to face forwards so he could see Natalie. "There she is, she hasn't gone anywhere." She tilted him towards Nat, expecting him to reach out, but instead of reaching for Natalie, he strained towards Will – who could barely conceal his excitement as he reached out to take the him from her.

"Hey buddy – how's it going?" Owen let out a delighted giggle as he settled in Will's arms. "You going home?" The boy curled a hand around the doctor's stethoscope before, rather unexpectedly, resting his head against Will's neck, and humming contentedly as he tugged on the instrument. "I see, you just wanted to wreck my stethoscope like you wrecked your mom's huh?" He laughed and pressed an absentminded kiss to the boy's head. Natalie could only stare happily at them, taken by how much of a natural Will was with him.

"What?!" Natalie hissed, as a look from Maggie brought her out of her daydream. "Will's good with him." She adjusted her grip on her bags before turning to Will. "We should probably be going, let you get back to work."

"At least let me walk you out?" He hoped to god he didn't sound like he was pleading. He cleared his throat, nodding at the two bags slung over her shoulder. "Looks like you could do with the extra hand anyway."

"Sure." She smiled. "I'll see you around Maggie – tell April I'll catch up with her later."

"Will do – call me if you need anything." She pulled the younger woman into another hug, whispering in her ear. "Although I think Dr Halstead has you covered."

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