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Today I wanted to go and visit Mark, so I decided to walk to their dorm. 

Already being closer to their dorm, I walked faster in excitement. I was going to surprise him. I called Haechan to ask which dorm they were going to be in today and he said they were with NCT DREAM. 

You figured that they would be practicing right now, so you walked to a near by café. You made sure to contact NCT DREAM's manager, not wanting to randomly enter their dorm and be sent out immediately for suspicions of being a sasaeng. The manager said it was fine for you to go and visit the members. 

As the day went by, you were getting kind of bored. You didn't want to go to the dorm too early because you knew the members wouldn't be there yet. Hoping you were right, you decided to continue to wander the streets. 

You passed many venders and ordered many things. You decided that shopping to get rid of your boredom would do you lots of good, so you went into every shop that interested you and looked around. 

Each time you entered a shop, you were greeted with a warm welcome and a nice selection of neat things that interested you. However, you really wished you could have experienced this with the other members, especially your boyfriend. 

You spent hours shopping and the street lights were starting to turn on, signaling the day was turning to night. You walked faster to the dorm of your favourite friends, hoping to get there before it's too late. 

As you walked up to the door, you could hear chatter and laughing from inside. You thought that they were in a Vlive, so you checked your app, but they weren't live today. You checked your Instagram, just to make sure. Even on there, they weren't going live, so you were lucky. 

You walked up to the door and knocked on it. 

"Coming!!", a voice called from inside. 

You stepped back a bit and waited patiently for someone to open the door. 

You were really hoping that Mark would open it, but to your dismay, it was Renjun. That didn't make you all that sad though, so you smiled in delight. 

"Y/N!!!!! IT'S SO NICE TO SEE YOU!!!", he exclaimed and pulled you into their dorms. All the members gathered around you, hugging and greeting you in the process. As you looked through the sea of boys in front of you, disappointment flashed over your face. 

Mark wasn't there with them.

Haechan and Jaemin noticed this. They came up to you and told you that he was in fact at the dorms, but he was in his room. 

"He's probably listening to music, so he didn't hear the door", Jaemin told you.

You nodded in understanding and looked at the other members expectantly. They all looked at you and gave you a warm smile. They gestured you towards Mark's door and headed their own separate ways, in hopes to not disrupt the two of you. 

You walked up to Mark's door and knocked. 

No one answered you. 

You knocked on it a little more. 

Still, no one answered it. 

Getting a little worried, you knocked on the door, just a tad bit louder.

When no one answered the door, you barged in, panicked that something happened to him. But to your surprise, there was your boyfriend, on the floor, holding his head between his hands all curled up. He looked like a frightened puppy. 

You walked up to him and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. 

He immediately looked up and his eyes gleamed with joy, but there was a hint of tiredness in them. 

He stood up and greeted you with a kiss on your cheek. 

"Hey, Y/N. When did you get here?" he asked. His voice was a little rough and he seemed like he was going to pass out any second. 

"Just now. I wanted to surprise you and see how you were doing" you replied, eyeing him to make sure that he was okay. 

"I'm doing fine. How are you?" 

"Mark. You don't LOOK fine. Are you really doing well?"

"Of coarse I am!! What makes you think I'm not?" His eyes changed from being a little bit gloomy to his usual cheerful self. You noticed the change immediately, but you didn't want to ask him much about it. 

"Well, I don't know. But if you have anything on your mind, I am always here to listen" you said, hoping to get him to talk about it. 

You both sat down on the floor. He seemed to relax once he was in your arms again.

You both sat in silence for a bit. But it stretched on a bit too long, making it slightly awkward after a while.

"My day was stressful. Dance practice was energy draining, and I had to practice my vocals and rap" he finally told you. Although you couldn't understand exactly what he was going through, you knew this was a stressful time for him. After all, he just had a comeback and he was doing many live performances.

"He must be exhausted" you thought. 

You wrapped your arms around him, holding him as snug as you could. He relaxed even more into your touch and you could feel him start to drift off. 

"Hey Y/N?"


"Thanks for always being there for me. I love you so much"

"I love you more baby. Now sleep, you need it"

You both moved to Mark's bed so that you could get comfortable. You wrapped your arms around his head while he wrapped his around your waist. 

Once you could hear him drift off to a peaceful slumber, you leaned down and kissed the top of his head.

Thank you for letting me be there for you, you big doofus

The End



A/N: HEY Y'ALL!!! Been a REALLY long time since I updated this story. I had so much work that some of them were really close to being overdue (┬┬﹏┬┬). BUUUUUUUUT I finally updated! I hope you guys like this chapter!! I POURED MY HEART AND SOUL INTO THE 20 MINUTES I TOOK TO WRITE IT (after the 3 - 4 months of an unofficial break I took). It kinda feels rushed though, don't y'all think?

By the way... I'll be taking an OFFICIAL break until July (or near the end of June). School is getting hectic and I need to catch up on my assignments. 

I'll be making a requests page soon for y'all so that you guys can request stories you wish for me to write!!! 

Anyway... I have to get back to class (not me writing this while I am in the middle of class). 



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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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