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3rd person POV

New Years Eve. A time where people like to spend it with their loved ones.

You were at home. Alone. Sitting in front of your TV with some snacks. Usually during this time you would be with your friends and family, but today you wanted to spend it alone. 

Well not really. You were hoping one or two of your closest friends would come over, but it seems that they had other plans. You did call them, but they had declined, saying that they were planning to spend this special night elsewhere. Stuck at home, not knowing what to do, you were really bored. This was your first New Years alone. 

You got up off your couch and moved around to get some blood flowing to your legs and make sure you can feel them as well. You were contemplating whether you should go out or spend the rest of the day at home. The idea of staying home seemed better because you simply didn't want to the leave the warmth of it, so you opted to stay where you were.

It was late in the afternoon and you were grabbing a snack so you can,  once again, sit down on your couch and munch on the delicacy. 

You were about to turn on the TV when you heard the doorbell ring.

"That's funny. Everyone said that they were busy." you thought as you walked towards the door to see who it was. You heard chatting on the other side of the door, so you assumed there was more than one person standing behind it. When you opened the door, you were not ready to see who was (or who were) behind that door.

"You guys?" you asked them.

"Yes, it's us! Are you surprised~" they asked you.

You were definitely not expecting NCT DREAM to be standing in front of you, with multiple bags in their hands. This reminded you of Christmas Eve, when you were at their dorm as a surprise visit with lots of bags in hand. 

You didn't know what to say, but the first thing you did was invite them into your place. They looked at it in awe. They hadn't been here before, so they didn't know what to expect. 

"What brings you guys here anyway? How do you have here?" Are you allowed to be here?" you inquired them. They were all chuckling slightly. That was when Mark answered your questions.

"We thought we would surprise you with a visit on New Years Eve. Our manager dropped us off and said he would come back tomorrow morning. And, yes, we are allowed to be here. Our manager said it was fine and we got special permission from our boss." he answered you.

"Well how are you guys going to leave this place after?" you asked. You didn't know how no one noticed the members. There were seven people walking to your place that looked like the idols. You were expecting their fans to be screaming and swarming outside your door by now, but it was absolutely silent. 

"It's a secret~" Jaemin told you. 

Now that they were here, you didn't know what to do. When you were alone you were planning to just eat some stuff and sleep, maybe scroll through some stuff on your phone but nothing exciting. 

They put all the bags they had in their hands down on the dining table. Then they came up to you and gave you a big group hug. It seemed they had missed you, even thought it has only been a week since you last saw each other. You would never forget what you got from them on Christmas. 

They all sat on the couch and started chatting each other. 

You went over to the kitchen table where they had placed their bags and went through it to see what they had. None of them objected you going through their stuff because they wanted you to see what the bags contained. You picked up one of the bags and dumped all its contents on the table, astonished to see so much food. Well it wasn't exactly meals, but more like ingredients. You were perplexed. You didn't know why they had so many ingredients until it dawned on you.

They were planning to cook today. At your place. In your kitchen. On New Years Eve.

Saying that you were scared was an understatement. You were beyond terrified to see what the outcome would turn out to be. You were just hoping that your kitchen will be fine after what is to happen today.

You all had less than 3 hours to start cooking so that dinner can be eaten on time. You gathered them all in your kitchen and went through what ingredients they had brought. You then asked what they wanted to eat. There were a lot of ingredients here so you figured that you could make their favourite foods for each and every one of the people standing in the kitchen, excluding you. 

You assigned everyone a job so that they would all be busy doing something and that the food can be prepared faster. 

1 and a half hours had passed since you all started cooking and you were not going to lie, this was the most fun you had all year. There was pots and pans everywhere and plastic garbage from the ingredients on the ground. You knew that it would be a hefty clean up job after but you could care less. You were busy focusing on the members cooking ramen in a pot. So far the kitchen was just dirty and nothing drastic was happening. 

You were all enjoying the cooking journey with each other that you didn't notice the time was now 9:00 PM. The members arranged the food and took it to the couch. Then the TV was turned on and you all watched a movie while you ate your dinner. Surprisingly (not really) it tasted pretty good and you were proud of everyone.

By the time everyone finished eating, you were on your third movie. It was a lot of fun, joking around with the boys and just talking about nonsense with them during the movies. You took their bowls and plates and put them in the sink. Looking into the sink you realized there were too many dishes to clean on your own, so you called all of NCT DREAM to come over and help you. 

They paused the movie that was being played and walked over to the kitchen. You addressed them individually to tell them their clean up jobs. 

By the time you finished cleaning up, it was 11:45 PM.

Grabbing the hands of the closest members to you, you dragged them and made them sit around the TV. Then the TV was turned on and you changed the channel to the news channel to watch the countdown. You were all very excited to watch the countdown as a group. Everyone was laughing and chatting as the time was ticking. Soon it was down to the last 10 seconds...











"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" all of you yelled.

Excitement filled the room as every one of you embraced the beginning of the new year. 

As all of you quieted down Haechan came up with an idea.

"Hey guys! Let's make a wish!" he told you all. 

All of you agreed and closed your eyes to make a wish for the new year. 

As all of you finished making your wish, you grabbed the pillows and blankets so that you can get a good night's sleep.

The funny thing about this special day was that all of you wished for the same thing. 

"I wish to stay close friends with the people next to me for as long as I live"




I wish you all a very safe and healthy 2021. Let us all hope that this year would be a better than the last one and that we will all get vaccines soon! 

Like always... STAY SAFE~ 

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