Cold Fun

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Kai grimaced, "You could have at least tell me where you were going!" Kai looked up to see an infuriated Tenzin who'd been lecturing him for the past half hour, ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but something like that! Tenzin sighed, "Just next time, tell me where you're going, or you can't see each other for a week!" They both nodded grimly. 

Tenzin quickly strode to his tent when he was finished, Jinora turned to Kai and grinned mischievously, he leaned back a bit, when she  started scooping snow off the ground he knew he was dead... literally. He started running toward Mako and Bolin's cabin, expectedly as he was running a lump of something cold hit his back. He dropped to his knees intentionally and quickly made a compact snowball, he waited 'till Jinora was closer and suddenly turned around and hit her in the chest with his snowball which shattered into small white flakes. She airbended herself up from the ground without seemingly touching it, and kicked snow in his face giving her a window to scoop up a lot more.  


Pema looked outside as her husband went off to grouch in their room, he saw two figures, both standing still as small glittery flakes rained down on them. Pema smiled immediately knowing who it was, she felt happy for her daughter, whom had found someone she could play with instead of people who were 5 years older than her, oh sorry, hang out with, as Jinora liked to say. In Pema's opinion Jinora was growing up to fast, but what could she do about it? It didn't matter, Jinora was happy, and that was all that mattered.

(Sometime later-Jinora)

Jinora pulled the mug of cocoa closer to her and took a sip, she looked over at Kai who had already had a mustache from the whipped cream. When their solo snowball fight ended Jinora had to admit that she was sad, even though she was tired and cold, who knew spending a couple hours outside in the South Pole would be so tiring? Katara did, she told them to come in by bribing them with hot chocolate, they agreed because of reasons already stated. Jinora was a bit puzzled though, it seemed like Katara already knew what was going on with her and Kai, even though it was never said out loud, she was okay with that though, if anyone understood it was her, she herself had fallen in love when she was 14. Jinora trusted her, and that was that.

Was that decent? sorry it's so short, I'm kinda blanking on what to write even though it's basically planned out already, and excuse me if I get the plot kinda wrong, (I haven't watched the show in a while). If you're still reading, thank you! Btw, the book might get kinda long, so imma just warn you, I'll probably end up skipping a lot near the end, but oh well, you can't have everything.


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