*2 Weeks later*
*Y/n's Pov*
Today was the day Jimin and his sister Rosé came back. I don't know why but I have been feeling really sad lately.And everytime I am around Mina,it gets worst.My sisters have tried everything they could to cheer me up but they couldn't do anything. I was then broken out of my train of thought when a shorter figure collided into my back. I turned around to see the cause of my problems,Jimin. "Oh,what a pleasure.You must be.....Y/n!"He said in an overly mannerly tone. I had to fight back a scowl as I answered. "You are quite right,Prince Jimin,I see you have come back from your trip."I replied forcing a smile on my face.
"Yes, do you happen to know where Mina is?I have been looking for her since I entered the palace grounds."He asked. "Knowing her,she would most likely be in the library."Y/n replied "Now,if you'll excuse me I have somewhere else to be."She continued briskly walking past Jimin.Once he tought she was out of earshot Jimin grinned evily and said."Oh,how cute,the pheasent has a crush on Mina.Well too bad,once I assassinate the royal family her heart will be broken ans she will come crying to me."He said cackling before coughing violently. "Jungkook,Lisa!!!"He called out as the two siblings appeared beside him in a second. "Your tea,my prince."Lisa said giving him some Honey Lemon tea. "Thank you.And I thought I told you to call me your royal highness or my lord."Jimin said glaring at them before taking a sip of the tea.
"How is my little sister Rosé doing?Has she finally agreed?"Jimin asked raising his eyebrow slightly. "Namjoon and Dami are currently guarding her,she is in good health and she still refuses to help you take over the Myoui kingdom."Jungkook said making Jimin scowl."You see this is why I was the favourite.Do not let her out of that cell until she agrees."Jimin said finishing off his tea."By the way where are Jin,Jisoo,Taehyung and Jennie?"Jimin asked. "They are preparing the soldiers,My lord."Lisa said. "Good,you may take your leave."Jimin said making them disappear.He then started walking towards the palace unaware that Y/n was hiding behind a bush the whole time.
'Assassinate the royal family?!'she tought angrily. 'And did he just say he imprisoned his own sister?!Is he nuts?!!'She thought. 'If I use my tracking magic to find Rosé,I can rescue her and convince her to tell me his plans.That can't be hard because she didn't want this in the first place.'Y/n thought smirking. She then proceeded to try to track down Rosé.Once she found her she telerported to the cell in which Rosé was in."Rosé."Y/n whisper yelled to said girl who was on the bed reading a book. Rosé the shut the book and looked at Y/n with a smile. "I guess the twins where right,you were coming to save me."Rosé said happily.
"Why,would you doubt us in the first place,My lady?"A male voice suddenly said. Y/n's head whipped around to see a tall male with a female besides him.Y/n got into a defensive stanse ready to protect Rosé until...."Wait!"Rosé exclaimed before hurridly going to the twins' sides."They are on our side.They kept me informed on what Jimin was doing and even used their future seeing to tell me you were gonna come get me."Rosé explained making Y/n relax a bit. "I am Namjoon,the oldest twin."Namjoon bowed. "And I am Dami,the youngest twin."Dami introduced."I thought you worked for Jimin?"Y/n asked confused. "You see,when we first got our future seeing we saw ourselves meeting the prince when he was only 11.When we turned 17,we saw his plan to take over the Myoui kingdom and there was no good future."Dami explained."That was until Mina met you,originaly,you were supposed to have been at home that day,but some how you were able to change your fate by getting out of bed and listening to your heart."Namjoon continued.
"And because of that,you changed the future,you saved the royal family.Y/n,You are the only one who can take Jimin down,while you need help yes,but only you can stop Jimin from his sinister plans."Rosé added on. "I understand,but what about his other servants?"Y/n asked. "I have talked some sense into them.The Jeon twins,Jungkook and Lisa have put a potion in Jimin's tea that should act up while you ate fighting him.It will make him weaker and you will be able to defeat him easier.And the Older set of Kim twins have already known his plan from the start and are pretending to go along with it but they are actually with us.Same goes for the younger set of kim twins."Namjoon informed.
"I believe it is time for you to go,we have limited time and we have wasted enough time talking.So hurry,Jimin has already infiltrated the palace and is heading to the Throne room."Dami said. "I was about to teleport before Rosé called me out. "Y/n!What ever you do,please,don't kill him."Rosê pleaded.Y/n nodded before teleporting towards the palace. She found herself in the garden she and Mina loved."Ok Y/n....you can do this....just sneak past the guards,find Jimin and keep him from killing the royal family."Y/n encouraged herself. "Some very encouraging words aren't they,Jisoo?"A voice said making Y/n jump. "Very encouraging indeed. Say,Taehyung,Jin, is this the one Dami and Namjoon told us to help?"Jsoo asked.
"It seems so."A deep voice added. "I'm Taehyung."He introduced himself. "And I am Jennie,his twin sister."Jennie said. "Jisoo." "Jisoo's handsome brother Jin.Now we should get going."Jin said walking towards the palace. They then walked towards a wall.Jin pushed a brick of the wall causing a part of the wall to go down,exposing a secret pathway.Y/n then followed them into the the passage way and found herself infront of a see through glass. She had a full view of the family room.Mina and her family where happily eating and talking.Then Mina suddenly started talking about how happy she was about Jimin coming back. It broke Y/n's heart because she had a huge crush on Mina,and because Mina was so excited in seeing him and she had no idea of what he wanted to do to her family.
"I am sorry,but this is where we part, we were only instructed to guide you here,from here on out,you're on your own."Jennie said before walking back down the way they came. "Goodluck."Taehyung and Jin said following Jennie. "This glass was built so that only the person on this side could see.And be careful,Jimin can be very tricky."Jisoo said before walking after the other three. "Just faze through the glass and do what you have to do to get rid of him."She called over her shoulder.
Y/n took a deep breath before her eyes widened when she saw Jimin entering the room. "Am I late?"He asked fake smiling. "No,You are right on time."Mina said showing her gummy smile. "I also wanted to tell you something,Jimin."Mina continued.Just then Y/n saw Jimin's soldiers sneak into the room while the family was pre-occupied. 'NOW!'She told herself fazing through the wall and kicking away the closest one. She then proceeded to put up a shield around the royal family including Mina. "Y/n?"Mina questioned confused."What are you doing here?"
"Your lovely prince,was planning to kill your family and take the throne."Y/n said angrily. "And I came to stop him."She continued. "Jimin?"The king called him. "Is this true?"He demanded in an offended voice. "Tch....It was going great until she came."Jimin spat. "How could you?!"Mina said tears threatening to come out of her eyes.The sight made Y/n angrier. "I suppose we have to do this the hard way then,I know that shield won't last for long."Jimin smirked taking off his shirt. He then got into a fighting stance. "And there are too many guards for you to fight."You are gonna lose." Right when Y/n was about to reply, a voice shouted."OF COURSE SHE ISN'T ALONE!!"Their heads snapped towards the voice only to see Nayeon,Jeongyeon,Momo,Sana,Jihyo,Dahyun,Chaeyoung and Tzuyu at the entrance. "What are you guys doing here?!"Y/n asked concerned."We can't let you take all the credit." Tzuyu said as she punched one of the guards that came close to her while Chaeyoung kicked one behind Tzuyu causing both girls to start fight back to back. "Actually,you accidentally let us see your memories."Chaeyoung said as she headbutted another. "Way to ruin the fun!"Tzuyu pouted. "And we were certainly not letting you fight alone."Dahyun said slamming two of the guards' heads together.
"Thanks."Y/n said tearing up. While Chaeylung,Tzuyu and Dahyun fought the guards near Y/n,Sana,Momo and the others fought the ones next to Mina and her family. "I guess it's just you and Me."Y/n smirked at Jimin who was red from anger. "I'll kill you!"He screamed charging towards her. He then attempted to punch her in the gut but she blocked it and kicked his side making him fall to the side. He didn't give up and shot a fireball at her."Oh,you're a mage too."She said shooting a water ball at the fireball creating a cloud of steam. She then speeded in front of him a punched him in the face causing him to fly back."Unfortunately,I cannot kill you as I made a promise to Rosè."Y/n said bitterly. "That,idiot told you about my plans?!I should have killed her as soon as I got the chance!!"Jimin seethed. Y/n had enough of this and straddled him before punching his face."This is for all the things you've done to Rosé."She said before punching him again. "This is for making Mina cry." Punch "And this.....is for being annoying."She said covering her fist with rocks before punching him making him pass out.
(Gotta stop here,it's too long already,will make a part three,please remember to vote and comment,I love reading comments. I hope you enjoyed and sorry for the lame fighting seen,don't really know how to make one heh,bye~)

Twice x reader oneshots
FanfictionRequests are open!But I cannot write angst so good.I am new to writing so do not Judge me.This will have some spelling errors so please excuse that.But other wise enjoy! I can do imagines if you want. Also it is gxg only(You are free to read even if...