Neko Tzuyu and Sana x reader Pt.2

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 *Time skip*

It's been a week since Tzuyu came into my life and things have gotten interesting. For instance her kind of people call themselves 'Demi-humans' but she is specifically called a 'Neko'. Tzuyu says they were once human but were descendants of people who were cursed, causing them all to turn on their 8th birthday. I've also found out that she likes physical contact...and I mean a lot of it. Right now, we're taking a walk  through  my neighborhood. Well I should say Tzuyu's walking because she's literally dragging me.

    "Slow down Chewy." I sighed at the over excited female. "But Y/n look at all of the food!" She exclaimed pointing at the stalls that were set up. "You saw them yesterday Chewy" I sweat dropped as she turned to me with a pout. "So what they amaze me every time." She sighed dreamily before continuing to drag me as I groaned. We kept walking for 2 more hours before she decided to settle in a Café. "Seriously, how do you have so much energy?" I asked her as she sipped on her milk. "I mean, you do nothing but sit all day. Of course you won't have any energy." Tzuyu chuckled before sniffing the air. "Please don't tell me that's another Neko" she mumbled loud enough for me to hear. "Another what?" I asked surprised. "I smell more of my kind" she whispered. "And I'm 100% sure they smell me too" she finished standing up and walking towards an alley.

"I don't think we should be walking towards a dark alley Chewy" I muttered as she continued forward. Right before she entered the Alley, I stopped her and got In front. "I'm staying in front of you or else we turn back." I said sternly. Tzuyu nodded in surprise, never seeing me so serious before. I then started walking slowly into the alley. After a few seconds I heard a metal can roll. I quickly grabbed Tzuyu by the waist and brought her closer to me. "Who's there?" I asked sharply as Tzuyu hisses. Getting no response, I signaled Tzuyu to stay put as I walked towards where the noise came from. To my surprise I saw a dumpster, but what caught my eyes was the tail that was poking out of it. "Hello?" I asked. "I can see your tail." I chuckled. The tail then started to vibrate before it disappeared fully. After  a  few seconds of silence, a head peaked out. "Hi, I'm Y/n. Tzuyu said she smelt you so we came to check." I said slowly as the girl came out completely. "I-I'm Sana" she said shyly. "Hi, Sana. What are you doing in the dumpster?" I asked curiously as Tzuyu cautiously inched closer.

"I was looking for food" she said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. 'Looking for food?' I thought sadly before giving her a sad smile. "If you want food, I can make some for you." I said as gently as possible. "Make food??" She asked with stars in her eyes. "Yes, make food" I chuckled. "She quickly got out of the dumpster and followed us. I had to put a coat and hat on her to hide her features. As soon as we were home, I locked the door and prepared some fish for her. As I was warming the fish a bit, I took a glance at her and Tzuyu and found that they were getting along quite well. I smiled at this as I walked into the living room, where they were seated. "Here." I said putting the fish down in front of her. "It's fish, I bet it tastes better than any trash you had." I smiled. After a few seconds of her hesitating, she took a bite of the fish and instantly brightened up. "See, it tastes amazing" I chuckled as she proceeded to gobble it down. "Reminds me of when I first found you." I whispered to Tzuyu who flared up. "Shut up!" She whisper-yelled as Sana finished the fish and moved onto the water I left on the table for her. "And the water tastes so fresh!" She exclaimed happily. "Well I'm glad you like it because you're gonna be getting Fresh water everyday from now on" Tzuyu grinned.

"Huh?" Sana asked staring at us in confusion. "What she means is that you're staying with us." I smiled. "Only if you want to, you're welcome to go back out but I would love it if you could -" I didn't get to finish as I was knocked to the ground by a sobbing Sana. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" She sobbed. "It's no problem I said rubbing her back as Tzuyu smirked.

(I am soooo sorry for such a long wait. I lost motivation and have only recently gotten it back. I hope you can forgive me and I will be posting more updates. I hope you guys enjoyed bye~)

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