Requests are open!But I cannot write angst so good.I am new to writing so do not Judge me.This will have some spelling errors so please excuse that.But other wise enjoy! I can do imagines if you want.
Also it is gxg only(You are free to read even if...
(This chapter is for is dedicated to @Twicexonce_forever thank you for being supportive.I decided to surprise you with this.Hope you like it😌Also things are gonna get a little bit spicy in this chapter😏)
*3rd person Pov*
Y/n was still seething and if it wasn't for her promise to Rosé,she would have already killed Jimin. "You okay?"Jeongyeon asked Y/n who was glaring at the unconscious Jimin. "Yeah,just need to get some fresh air."She responded getting up and walking towards the door. "I'll go talk to her."Jihyo said but was stopped by a voice. "No,I'll talk to her.....besides I want to tell her thank you."They turned to see Mina,who was smiling shyly at them. "Go ahead."Dahyun smiled.Mina then nodded and walked in the direction Y/n went.
*With Y/n moments before Mina arrives*
'Will she hate me?'I thought. 'I mean....I did just get her one true love put in jail....'Y/n thought before pulling on her hair. "Great! I just made her hate me!!I knew I didn't have a chance with her but now she hates me!!"Y/n yelled tearing up. "If I could've just told her that- that-" "Told who what?" Mina interrupted her. Y/n spun around hoping Mina wouldn't see the tears in her eyes. "N-nothing!"Y/n quickly answered. "If you think I hate you then you're an idiot."Mina chuckled walking towards the garden. "Y-you don't hate me?"Y/n asked confused and happy. "Why would I hate you silly?You saved my family."Mina questioned. "I mean I did just put your true love in jail."Y/n muttered. "I didn't love Jimin."Mina said making Y/n's head snap towards her.
"I just used him as a coping mechanism to get my mind off of the one I truly loved....afterall she might not even love me back."Mina said looking at the flowers while smiling sadly. "Who ever that is I will beat the hell out of her!!I mean who wouldn't love you back?!"Y/n raged puffing air out of her nose. "I don't want you to beat yourself Y/n."Mina giggled mentaly wincing at her accidental confession before looking at Y/n who was now looking at her with Nezuko eyes.
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'It means she loves you idiot." Jeongyeon said telepathically. 'Eh?!How the hell can you hear me?'Y/n asked her. 'You forgot to block out your thoughts.So we heard you complaining and all that cliché crap." Jeongyeon deadpanned. 'S-sorry.So what you're saying is that her feelings are mutual?'Y/n asked. 'Whythehell are you so idiotic...Of course it does!!!'She head Tzuyu exclaim irritated. 'Now hurry up and tell her how you feel cause I'm pretty sure she's taking your lack of response as rejection' Jihyo chimmed in before the link was cut off. "-/n!Y/n!!"She was brought back to reality by Mina who was had her hands on Y/n's cheek. "Eh?"Y/n said. "Are you okay?You blanked out for a bit.I was getting worried."Mina asked,concern laced in her tone. "Yeah,I'm good, was just caught off guard by your statement."Y/n said sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck. "I-ignore that!I was just-! I-!" Mina then looked down. "Im sorry.I just have a crush on you.I have had one since we met....."Mina finaly confessed making Y/n's eyes widen. "I know-I know that you wouldn't think the same as m-"Mina didn't get to finish as she felt a pair of soft warm lips smash into hers.
It took Mina a second to register what was going on but when she did she kissed back passionately. They then pulled away and Mina looked at Y/n with teary eyes. "H-hey,hey.What's wrong?"Y/n asked worriedly. "I-i thought you would r-reject me"Mina whimpered. "Why would I reject you?After all I fell in love with you the first time I saw you."Y/n smiled making her sisters squeal. 'FINALLY!YOU SAID ITTTTT!!!!'Jeongyeon squealed. ' You finally had the courage to say it huh?' Nayeon said sarcastically. 'SHUT IT' Y/n said before smiling at Mina. "S-so,Mina will you be my girlfriend?"Y/n asked "YES!"Mina exclaimed happily hugging Y/n. "We should go inside now,we've been out here for about an hour now."Y/n chuckled kissing Mina one more time before standing up. "Shall we go Lady Mina?"Y/n asked jokingly. "Indeed we shall My good madam."Mina said making them burst into laughter. "Okok *wheeze* we really should start going before your dad sends guards to look for us."Y/n said.
They then walked through the palace and entered the dining hall once again. "What's with the smily faces?"Sana smirked as they walked in. "Oh nothing." 'I just had my first kiss before you~'Y/n taunted in her mind leaving Sana dumb founded. 'You better propose to her soon!I want neices and nephews!!'Jeongyeon snickered in her mind. 'Like hell she could.I mean its the King's daughter she is asking to marry.'Tzuyu scoffed. 'Watch and learn extras.'She smirked before cutting off the link and heading towards the King with the others trailing behind her. "Your majesty."She said bowing the others except Mina following along. "There is no need to bow,you did save my family after all.And drop the formalities,you may call me Mistuki."Mitsuki said smiling warmly. "I don't think we have intrroduced ourselves.You already know my name so they are-" "Mira."The queen stated. "Miyuki."Miyuki stated. "Is there anyway we can repay you for your bravery young Y/n?"The king asked. 'Watch this bishes'Y/n said in her mind before saying. "I would like to have Mina's hand in marriage."Making evert thing go silent. "You see,we have had feelings for each other and recently confessed."She continued blushing a bit,unlike Mina who was basically redder than a tomato."A-and I wanted to know if I could have had her hand in marriage.I-I promise to keep her happy."Y/n smiled blushing a bit more.
The king stared at Y/n for a few seconds before smiling warmly and hugging her making her stiffin at the sudden touch. "Of course!!Personally I thought you were better for Mina and I didn't like Jimin at all!I just went along with it to make Minari happy. But knowing you are going to be taking care of her makes me alot more satisfied!!"The king exclaims happily. Making Y/n squeal before composing herself. After the whole ordeal,Mina and Y/n sat by the lake in the garden. "W-where did you get the confidence to do that?"Mina asked with an amused tone. "You.Seeing you go with Jimin made me realize that I have to claim you first before anyone else can."Y/n said kicking her feet in the water a bit. "Don't say it like that!It sounds wrong"Mina said blushing. "What do you mean."Y/n asked smirking knowing very well what Mina meant. "I- uh....eep-!"Mina exclaimed as.Y/n pounced on her.She was now straddling a very flustered Mina. "You know you don't have to be shy with me,Minari."Y/n said softly before moving her lips closer to Mina's ears. "Besides,I am going to be doing this alot more often."She whispered. "Oh?And how are you so certain you are a top?"Mina asked suddenly gaining confidence(When I tell you I am fangirling while writing this💕💕💕)"Oh?Where did the other Mina go huh?And what makes you think I will allow you to order me around."Y/n teased stroking Mina's lips with her thumb.She then moved closer to her face before whispering."Someone needs to know their place don't they"She then smashed their lips together(Mind you the lake they are at is shaded so basically it is like an indoor pool.) She then proceeded to lick Mina's bottom lip for access which she happily granted. Their tounges were now batteling for dominace with Y/n winning. They then both pulled away panting heavily.
"I love you Mina."Y/n said sincerly. "I love you too Y/n."Mina replied.
(There a new chapter.I hope you all enjoyed.Now if you will excuse me I am gonna go steal some food from my sister😌.Bye)