I walked through the rain soaking wet, but I didn't care.The cool rain drops were actually calm and refreshing.'Wonder what I should eat?'I thought staring blankly at the formaly orange sky. 'Maybe some Jokbal...Jeez,Momo is getting to me.'I mentally sighed. Just then I heard a whimper. "Huh?"I said looking in the direction only to see a dark alley. "Isn't this how americans die in horrors?"I thought out loud.(No offense to any americans out there) Another wimper was heard followed by the sound of a man shouting. 'Something's definitely wrong.'I thought walking towards the alley. "Well,if I die atleast I'm going to heaven."I mumbled before stopping at the sight infront of me. A drunk man was kicking an injured cat. I locked eyes with the cat and saw so much despair and anger in it's eyes.I immediatly walked up to the man and grabbed his shoulder.
"What are you doing?"I asked putting my hands in my pocket. "Can't you see?I'm getting rid of this monster!This thing shouldn't exist!!"He exclaimed making me wince at the heavy stench of alcohal. 'Jisoos. He should really buy a mint. "Man,just leave it alone.This is basically animal abuse."I told him. This seemed to tick him off as he turned fully towards me and attempted to punch me in the face but I just ducked under his punch and kneed him in the balls(never knee or hit someone in the balls unless necessary because they can die from a twisted testicale) making him groan and fall to the ground. I then turned to cat and saw that it was trying to limp away. I then walked towards it making it stop and hiss at me.
"Hey,hey. I'm not gonna hurt you 'lil dude....or dudette."I said raising up my hands to prove my point.I then realized it wasn't me it was hissing at so I turned just in time to dodge a glass bottle. I quickly picked up the cat despite it's protests and kept dodging the man's attempt to attack me.After a while I got tired and hit his preassure point in his neck making him fall uncounscious. "Come on,we gotta get you out of the rain."I muttered to the cat as I continued to walk home. Once I arrived at my two story house,the cat was already asleep so I took this as an oppertunity to check the gender.
'Oh,a girl.'I grinned. I then opened the door and headed towards the bathroom where the first aid kit was. "Hey,little lady."I said trying to wake her up as I set her in the tub. Once she was awake she just stared at me."I'm gonna clean the wounds and patch them up so they won't get infected but it'll hurt."I said. 'Wait-Why the hell am I talking to a cat?!'I mentally yelled at myself as I tried to keep a straight face.However that proved to be frutile as I saw the cat nod. 'AM I GOING INSANE?!'I yelled in my head before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath before putting some alcohal on the wound largest wound making her hiss and whimper. "It's alright,I know it hurts,just bare with me a little longer."I said stroking behind her ear with my free hand.
She then leaned into my touch while relaxing slightly. After I patched her up I picked her up and headed to my bedroom. "Ok,first thing's first. We have to find a name for you."I said thinking of some names. "Hana?" I asked as she shook her head.Since I already noticed she was very smart I didn't freak out this time. "Yana?" No "Sara?" No "hmmm.....How about Tzuyu?" I suggested as she give a slight nod. "Ok! Tzuyu!Let's go get you something to eat!"I said.I didn' want to pick her up yet so I tied a sheet around my neck and put it so that she could lay in it on my back while I walk around.(Like those baby things)
We then headed to the kitchen and I whipped out some fish and water that I put in seperate bowls. I then noticed that she didn't want the fish. "Huh?Don't like fish?"I asked and she shook her head in response. "You really are a weird one."I sweatdropped as she angrily meowed at me. "Okay,Okay.I'm sorry.Hmmmm...how about some bread?" I offered as she perked up and meowed happily. "Alright!Bread it is!"I excalimed grabbing two slices of bread and breaking them up then putting it in the bowl. "There!All done!"I grinned as she started nibbling on the bread before full on devouring it. I watched in astonishment as she finished it in less than 5 minutes. "You must've been hungry huh?"I asked as I heard her give off a cat like scoff. She then proceeded to drink water until my phone rang scaring her. "Hey,hey.It's ok.It's just my phone."I told her as she came out from under the table. I answered my phone and saw Momo's face close to the screen scaring me slightly. "Momoring,move your face back a little." I chuckled heading to the living room.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tzuyu curiously follow me. "Oh!" She said before moving her head so that I can see her whole face. "Is this better?"She asked me. "Yeah,so what did you call me for?"I asked tilting my head. I saw Tzuyu jump on the couch and sit next to me."I was wondering if you've seen my maroon jacket.I think I left it there yesterday."She told me. "Where?"I ask getting up from the couch. "I think in the guest room."She answered as I headed upstairs to the guest room to see that is was indeed in the guest room on the dresser. "Oh,it's here.Want me to bring it for you?"I asked."Nah,I'll come get it."She responded as my gaze landed on Tzuyu who was clawing the curtains. "Chewy!No!"I scolded her as I put down my phone an picked her up as she looked like she was pouting.
"Who's Chewy?"I heard Momo ask. "She's a cat I saved and her name is actually Tzuyu but I decide to use Chewy as a nickname." I said bringing her to the phone. "Wah!She's so cute!!"Momo exclaimed. "By the way I will collect the coat tomorrow."I heard her say. "Ok,bye bye Momoring."I told her."Bye bye,n/n."I heard her say before she hung up. "Alright,we should probably go to bed,it's like 10."I said as I walked towards my room. I then changed but not before telling Tzuyu to turn around."You can sleep here tonight,tomorrow I am gonna buy a bed for you "I told her.Yep,that's right,I'm keeping her. After a few minutes I began to feel my eyes grow heavy and I finally gave in.
*Timeskip to 1:00am*
I was woken up to the sound of rustling from down stairs in the kitchem. 'Hm?'I thought as I noticed Tzuyu was not in bed. 'I hope she isn't making a mess.'I nervosuly sweatdropped before getting out of bed and heading downstairs. 'Does she want bread or something?'I thought as I saw a tail in the kitchen."Hey,Tzyuy w-"I stopped midway in my sentence as I saw that the tail belonged to a person....er-well cat person. "T-Tzuyu?"I asked as she dropped the bread from her mouth and stared at me in shock and slight terror. It was only then that I noticed she was naked causing me to blush. "I- er-.....wha?"I questioned. "Master!I-it's not what it looks like."she hurridly said. 'Did she just- M-master?!'I mentally yelled before passing out.
(I am sorry alot of these have more than one part it's just that I have a wild imagination.Anyways I hoped you enjoyed it and don't be afraid to correct any errors.Bye~)

Twice x reader oneshots
FanfictionRequests are open!But I cannot write angst so good.I am new to writing so do not Judge me.This will have some spelling errors so please excuse that.But other wise enjoy! I can do imagines if you want. Also it is gxg only(You are free to read even if...