Requests are open!But I cannot write angst so good.I am new to writing so do not Judge me.This will have some spelling errors so please excuse that.But other wise enjoy! I can do imagines if you want.
Also it is gxg only(You are free to read even if...
*3rd Person's Pov*(Sorry Its just I am most comfortable in this view so you will see this alot.And this one is going to be a shorter chapter)
Jihyo sat impatiently in her shared bedroom with Y/n waiting for her girlfriend to come home. Soon enough,as soon as she heard the front door openand close and Y/n call out,she dashed downstairs and jumped on her Y/n, surprising. "Woah!Careful Ji."Y/n said as she tried to keep herself from tumbling over. "Sorry,I just missed you."Jihyo mumbled into Y/n's neck making her shiver at her hot breath. "Aww~I missed you too,Love." Y/n said kissing Jihyo's temple making the latter giggle."So...I was able to get the rest of the week off so we can hangout all week since you also have nothing on yiur schedule as well."Y/n said,her eyes sparkling with hope.
"How about we start off with a movie night?"Jihyo suggested chuckling at her girlfriend's antics. "Yeah!.......and Jihyo." "Yeah?" "You can stop hugging me now...." "Oh sorry!"Jihyo said chuckling. "Let me just go change."Y/n said walking up to their room before comming out in a onesie.
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(^that is what you are wearing,Jihyo also changed into a similar onesie.)
"Let's get this movie marathon started!!" Y/n exclaimed excited making Jihyo chuckle at her cute antics. "What genre should we watch first?"She asked after putting the popcorn and blankets on their bed-couch(the couch that could turn into a bed). "How about......Romance."Y/n said climbing onto the bed-couch with Jihyo. "Sure."Jihyo said putting in Romance in the movie player. As the movie progressed it was quiet,the only sounds where the chewing of popcorn and the T.v.
When it came to a scene where the main actor has to witness his bestfriend's death and is now holding her,Y/n heard a sniff. She slowly turned her head to see Jihyo silently crying.She then set aside her bowl of popcorn and straddeled Jihyo surprising said and girl making her blush. "Why are you crying,it's only a movie."Y/n said softly as she looked into Jihyo's eyes,heartbreaking seeing her red,puffy eyes."I-it's just,I can't help but think what would happen i-if you d-" Y/n didn't let Jihyo finish as she gently pressed her lips against Jihyo's,softly kissing her.
When she pulled away,she stared into Jihyo's wide brown eyes. Smiling softly she said "I am not going anywhere anytime soon,and you know that Ji.Besides, she gets turned into a vampire later.If I ever do pass,of course I won't,I will find a way to turn into a vampire and come back to you."Y/m said wiping away the remaining tears from Jihyo's face."But won't you eventually out live me?"Jihyo asked. "Nope,I will make you one and we can spend the eternity together."Y/n grinned making Jihyo smile softly and place her head on Y/n's chest. "Thank you."She said quietly. "No problem,now let's watch a next movie this one is getting boring and I spoiled it for you already."Y/n said picking up a comedy.
The rest of the night was spent watching movies,laughing and crying together. It was now 1:00am and Jihyo felt some weight on her shoulder.She turned to see Y/n asleep on her shoulder.She shifted so that Y/n's head was on her lap instead. As Jihyo looked down at Y/n's face smiling lightly as she saw her smile.She then turned off the tv and picked up Y/n bridal style before heading upstairs and setting her on the bed. She then covered her before kissing her temple and getting in bed herself. "Goodnight Y/n,love you."Jihyo said not exspecting her to respond but when she responded with a "Love you too."Jihyo fell asleep think 'How did I get so lucky?' With a smile on her face.
(Don't touch me I'm soft....honestly I kept squealing why making this.I hope it is good don't be afraid to correct my mistakes and please remember to comment and vote.I love reading comments.Hope you guys enjoyed btw.Bye~)