Chapter 2

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-- Morum's POV --

I walked to the back corner of the Potions classroom. Like I did every day. I liked sitting alone. It was comfortable. Peaceful. I rested my chin in my palm watching as Slytherins and Ravenclaws filled the classroom. I sighed watching everyone sitting with their friends and silently wishing I could do the same. But my best friend wasn't able to do so. Considering he was dead. Killed by a death eater whilst trying to defend muggle-borns. His name was Theodore. Theodore West. I sniffed and looked down at my notes. I guess being at the top of all my classes came with a price. I flicked through the pages and tapped my foot on the ground as a shadow was cast over the worn out desk. I glanced up to see a blonde boy staring at me. Wait. Blonde? "Can I sit here?" Draco's voice asked, making me unreasonably nervous. I nodded, not trusting my voice to be as confident as I wanted it to be. I turned back to the pages of my notes but the words were getting all jumbled in my head. He slid onto the seat next to me, chucking his bag to the ground. "How are you?" He asked, creating a lump in my throat as I completely forgot how to speak English. "You really don't have to make conversation." I replied, reminding myself that he didn't actually care. "If you're going to copy my notes, just do it. Preferably in silence." I continued, giving him an understanding but forced smile.

He gave me a confused look in return. "I'm not here to copy your notes, Birch." He said with a frown. "I'm nearly top of the class. Trust me, I don't need it." It was my turn to frown as I wondered what he was doing here then. "I asked you a question. It would be polite for you to answer it." His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oh, um fine. You?" I replied, quietly and unsurely. "I'm alright. Looking forward to the first task, are you?" I shrugged. "I don't really get it. You're just watching people get tortured... for fun." He let out a small laugh. "Well, it keeps you on the edge of your seat. And I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of torture, especially if it involves Potter." He spat Harry's name out, like it was it was pure poison. I smiled a little at his annoyed expression. "You don't really believe he put his name in there, do you?" I asked, with a small smirk playing on my lips. "Of course I do. There's no other logical explanation at the moment." He replied, scowling. 

"Oh please. I bet he doesn't know a single ONE of the extremely complex spells and charms placed on that goblet. So how on earth would he get past them? Or get someone else to do it? You saw what happened to the Weasley twins." His frown deepened with thought. "Well don't forget, he's got Granger as his best friend. She knows everything." He argued, but I just laughed. "Come on, you saw her face. She was just as shocked as the rest of us. Plus, Hermione's all about rules. There's no way she'd even attempt to break them. Especially, if it meant putting one of her best friend's lives in danger." He scowled again but didn't reply, knowing full well that I was right. 

"Don't frown, Malfoy. You'll get wrinkles." I said nudging him with a playful grin. He turned to me, his usually grey eyes now sparkling blue from the light in the room. "Says you." He said smirking. "No that's not the same thing." I replied, furrowing my eyebrows. "Oh really? What is it then?" He asked, turning his whole body to face me, still smirking and eyes glimmering with amusement. "Well... that's just me... observing people. Analysing them." I replied, my eyebrows furrowing further. "Analysing?" He repeated. "Give me an example then." He urged, keeping his gaze on me. "Oh... well..." I scanned the classroom. "Millicent, for example." I began. "I can see that she has yet again forgotten her homework, so she is desperately coping Pansy Parkinson's down before Snape gets here. I can also tell that she had pancakes with syrup on this morning. How? Well, because she still has some crumbs on her skirt and her fingers are sticking to the page. She has a cat with ginger fur. I can tell because said fur is on her socks and you can see that it has been nibbling at her shoes. She woke up late this morning because her hair hasn't been brushed and she still has marks on her forearms from her sheets, which is a common sign of over sleeping. She is also dating Marcus Flint, obviously, because she's wearing his tie, she has awful hickeys on her neck which she is trying to cover but is failing miserably and he has been staring at her for twenty minutes and thirty eight seconds. Would you like me to continue?" Malfoy just stared at me bewildered and at a complete loss of words. 

"Um, no no. I think you've proven your point." He said still in shock. I giggled quietly and turned back to my notes just as Snape burst into the room. Robes billowing behind him like a cape. Once he'd reached the front he began the lesson, drawling on about what we would be learning today. His voice had always made me sleepy but he ensured no one fell asleep in his class with all his unnecessary aggressive movements. Draco slid a crumpled piece of parchment over to me, which read:

That was so cool.

In neat but rushed handwriting. I grinned folding the note up quickly and hiding it in my pocket. I glanced sideways to see a small smirk on Draco's lips. 

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