Chapter One

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         Delilah was sitting in class taking notes on her least favorite subject. History. She didn't enjoy history much mainly because of the teacher. The teacher was the one thing Delilah hated about Lucidrid High. Her teacher along with the obnoxious boys who thought they ran the school.

Delilah tried taking notes when the loud speaker came on. "Hello students. Today we will be having an extra awareness assembly at 2:00. You may continue your classes. Have a great day!" Delilah sighed as the loudspeaker came to an end. She hated these types of assemblies mainly because they were under wraps about her. Everyone knew it. She was the town's crazy book girl.

The bell rang shortly after the announcement and Delilah quickly got up, grabbed her things, and left the classroom. She wasn't very surprised when halfway to her locker Delilah heard "Hey book freak. How's that imaginary boyfriend of yours?" Delilah rolled her eyes and turned around. "What do you want Jacob?" The boy named Jacob stepped closer and ripped all of Delilah's things out of her hands. Her books, her paper, and her pencils. Laughing started around the hall as Delilah stood still and embarrassed. She quickly grabbed her stuff and ran.

Once she reached the girls bathroom she ran in and locked herself in one of the stalls. She cried as she grabbed her most prized possession and held it close. It was the book that made her known as the book freak. The tales of Lucidrid. It was by the only author the town has ever had. Helen Mell. Everybody loved her and her books. Delilah was probably her biggest fan.

Delilah cried as she heard laughter and the door open. She thought it was probably the gossip girls of the school but what she heard next surprised her. It was Jacob and his evil little minions. Delilah put her feet up onto the toilet so she wasn't seen and stopped crying. "We know you're here book freak! Show yourself." They started pushing the stall doors open one by one until Delilah's stall was the last one left. The boys slammed the door open and smirked as they saw Delilah helplessly sit there.

Jacob grabbed Delilah and pushed her against the wall as his minions started ram sacking all of her stuff. Finally they found her book and smiled. They mocked her pretending to drop the book into the toilet while she was standing balling her eyes out. "Please stop! Why are you doing this?!" Jacobs' smirk faded and he looked directly into Delilah's soul.

"You are the book freak. The people of this town know. You should learn when to stop having imaginary friends book freak." The boys dropped the book into the toilet and flushed it. Delilah stared in horror. She broke free of Jacob and ran to the toilet. "You monsters! You horrible monsters! Why are you doing this to me?!" Delilah waited for an answer but didn't get one. "That's what I thought." She grabbed her stuff and ran out of the bathroom crying.

Delilah sat at the assembly silently staring at the curtain of the stage. Her thoughts kept going back to the moment her book was flushed. She wanted to believe that it was all real but she finally accepted the truth. It wasn't. Delilah had been known as the book freak for so long but she wanted to change. Even though she wanted to change, the thought of her changing made all her happiness drain.

Delilah went home that day sad but accepting the truth. She told her parents everything and they acted sorry for her, but she knew that they were happy not to live with the book freak anymore. The rest of the afternoon Delilah didn't speak. She had a very hard time trying to sleep. When she finally fell asleep she had the weirdest dream.

She was in a more vintage looking town like the one in her book. There were people huddled together talking. Delilah went closer to the group and listened in. "I had another vision." The group gasped. Delilah didn't remember a vision in the book. "The same girl?" Asked another person in the group. The person who had the vision nodded. A pretty girl about the age of Delilah looked around and started to talk. "This is a sign we need to find her." Once again the group nodded. "From my vision she should live somewhere in the unhidden part of Lucidrid." The people looked from one another and nodded.

Delilah woke up and shook her head. Why couldn't she stop thinking about that stupid book. She went to go eat breakfast when she heard a creek from her bedroom. Delilah turned around and started to walk back to her bedroom but when she got there she didn't see anything. She turned back and went downstairs to enjoy the golden brown toast with avocado on top and next to it some delicious looking sunny side up eggs. When she finished her breakfast she went back upstairs, got dressed, brushed her teeth, packed all of her stuff and left for school.

Delilah was not excited to see her bully again. She was hoping that they would ignore her for the rest of her life. Delilah finally got to the school and hesitated to go inside but the bell was about to ring so she ran in. When she got to her classroom everyone started to giggle and stare at her. Delilah sat in her usual seat and looked down so no one could see her face. "Attention!" The teacher's loud booming voice rang throughout the classroom. Ms. Latton was a tall old wrinkly lady who weirdly resembled a hairless dog. Her gray hair was always really big and tiny pieces would always stand up. She always wore some form of dull pink and she was everyone's least favorite teacher.

"You will all have an essay due tomorrow on the American Revolution. You may not work with anyone on any of your little phone thingamajigs. Are we clear?" The class nodded respectfully but everyone knew they would end up working with someone no matter what Ms.Latton said. Ms.Latton passed out the only papers the students could go off to start for their essays. Everyone silently judged the teacher but no one seemed to make it obvious.

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