Chapter 2

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          The bell rang and all the students got out of their chairs and quickly left the classroom. Delilah was the last one to leave and as she left she could feel Ms.Latton judging her. She went to her locker and when she opened it she saw something she thought she would never see again. It was The Tales of Lucidrid. The book that had recently been flushed.

Delilah grabbed the book and looked at it in horror. She couldn't be seen with this book ever again so she ran to the bathroom and dropped the book into the toilet and flushed it. As the book started to go down the toilet a tiny person jumped out of the toilet. It was the beautiful girl from her dream. She had silky blonde hair and deep green eyes. She was covered in freckles and wore a beautiful long ripped dress. Despite the rips on the dress it was stunning.

Before Delilah could say anything the person grew to Delilah's size. Delilah froze in shock. The beautiful girl stared at Delilah and decided to speak up. "I know I just popped out of a book being flushed and grew magically." Delilah stared at her knowing exactly who this was. "Your Genevieve from The Tales of Lucidrid! But you're fake. It's just a book! How are you here?" Before Delilah asked any more questions Genevieve put her hand over Delilah's mouth. "Number one it's not fake. Number two I really need your help! You're the only one who ever believed in Lucidrid so you're in danger. You need to leave and join us in the hidden world."

"But why does it matter if I'm the only one who ever believed in Lucidrid? No ones after me. Everything has been normal. I get bullied and I deny. No biggie." Genevieve's face turned annoyed. She grabbed Delilah's arm and led her out of the bathroom towards her locker. Everyone started not knowing what to think of Delilah being dragged to her locker by a girl with a weirdly ripped dress.

When the two girls reached Delilah's locker Jacob and his minions walked by. Delilah expected a bully storm but instead Jacob quickly walked by as his minions laughed and mocked Jacob. Delilah's cheeks turned red thinking she knew what all of this was about while Genevieve smirked at Delilah. "Looks like you have an admirer." Delilah turned completely red and rolled her eyes. Trying to change the subject Delilah got back to the conversation they were having before Jacob walked by.

"Anyways how am I in danger?" Genevieve put her serious face back on as she stared at Delilah. "If you know about our world people will come after you for answers. Our secrets have already been spilled enough by that stupid traitor who made the book. We can't have anyone find out that our world is real." Delilah nodded. "Anyways now that that's cleared up what's up with you and that boy?" Delilah's face turned cherry red and angry. "He's just a stupid bully! Nothing is going on!" That's when Delilah saw Jacob heading towards them. Luckily he didn't hear her.

When Jacob got to Delilah he shoved her against him and kissed her. Delilah pushed away and ran as Jacobs' face turned as cherry red as hers. Delilah locked herself in the bathroom and cried. There was a knock on the door so Delilah got up and peeked at who was knocking. Luckily it was just Genevieve so Delilah let her in and wiped the tears rolling down her face. "I'll do it. I'll come with you to the hidden Lucidrid." Genevieve smiled and nodded. "We better get going. Write a note to your parents so they don't get worried. After that we will head off." Delilah nodded and went with Genevieve out of the bathroom.

As she was walking out of the school Delilah could see Jacob's face still bright red looking down. She looked away and continued forward. The school day wasn't over yet but Delilah didn't care. She just wanted to leave and go to the hidden part of Lucidrid with Genevieve. Once they got out of the school Delilah started to run as fast as she could to her parents house so she could leave one last note before leaving for who knows how long.

Delilah reached her parents' small two floor off white house. She grabbed the house key from her backpack and unlocked the door. Little did Genevieve and Delilah know that they were being followed by the tall handsome brown haired boy that so recently kissed Delilah. Delilah grabbed a piece of notebook paper and a blue ballpoint pen. Dear Mom and Dad, I have to go for I don't know how long. I can't exactly tell you what I'm doing or where I'm going but I'll miss you guys so much. I love you more than you could ever know. -Delilah

Delilah placed the note on the kitchen counter and went upstairs to her room. She emptied her backpack and packed only what was needed. After packing a few pairs of clothes and money Delilah ran back downstairs and packed some food. Delilah looked at Genevieve and frowned. Genevieve nodded at her and they walked out of the house.

Jacob saw them coming and hid behind the nearest bush. He watched as the girls walked off and Jacob followed. To Delilah it felt like they had been walking for hours but it had only been 30 minutes. After an hour Delilah was exhausted and grabbed water from her backpack but Genevieve snatched the bottle from her hand. "Save it for when we really need it." Delilah sighed and put the water back in her backpack and they continued on their journey.

After two hours of walking they stopped. Genevieve looked at Delilah and nodded. "I can't believe we're finally here. I've been waiting for this day my whole life." Genevieve smiled and stepped forward. She touched an invisible wall and said what seemed to be a password. "Lacuna."

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