Chapter 5

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        It was starting to get dark so the group stopped. "We should set up for the night." Genevieve being the least likely one to want to stop made the group surprised. Everyone nodded with relief and the groups were set up. The boys would set up the tent and sleeping bags and the girls would get wood and start a fire. Everyone left the main area looking for supplies.

"So how many more days until you think we'll be there?" Genevieve sighed. "Still a pretty far way to go. About another day or so walk until we reach the area her house is in. After that you lead us." Delilah felt anxiety pile on her. How was she supposed to find Helen Mell? The only time anyone had ever seen her was at her book signing of "The Tales of Lucidrid". No one knew where Helen Mell lived and barely knew what she looked like. The only thing Delilah could remember about Helen Mell was that she had dark black hair that was graying quite a bit. Even though her hair made her look like a Grandma she had quite few wrinkles. She was pretty in the face with rosy red cheeks and perfect button nose.

Even though quite uncertain she could do it Delilah turned to Genevieve and nodded. They were looking around for quite awhile but eventually the two girls found enough wood to build a nice fire. They headed back to the campsite and saw that the boys had already gotten the tent set up. Jacob and Marcus were side eye glaring at each other but moved their eyes away when Delilah walked up. The girls started the fire and everyone gathered around and pulled up something to sit on.

Sean pulled at a guitar and everyone stared at him. "You've been carrying that around all day?!" Everyone yelled at the same time. Sean nodded proudly and started playing his guitar. He sang the most beautiful song Delilah had ever heard. You could see Genevieve slightly blushing at him as she swayed to the melody. The beautiful lyrics couldn't get out of Delilah's head. *Oh your heart so warm, you are my home, way bound hay bound love lasts forever, making me look down when you stare in my direction, beautiful eyes glistening brighter than the moon itself *.

Delilah felt a warm stare piercing her insides. She looked towards the warm sensation and saw Jacob staring at her smiling. Delilah blushed and looked down. She looked towards Marcus and saw him staring at her as well. She flicked her head back down and felt in her pocket. It was something she had forgotten about forever ago.

It was the picture that she took when she got to meet Helen Mell. It all came flowing back. That same feeling of excitement. The warm feeling in her stomach. Delilah was hoping things would be simple again. Yeah she would get bullied, and yeah she felt weird but things definitely were not as crazy as they were now. It may have been Delilah's dream for the longest time but knowing that soon she will have to lead everyone. It was too much.

Delilah got up and headed to the tent. She just needed rest. That was all she needed at that point. She crawled under a blanket and lay there with her eyes wide open. She was tired but couldn't sleep. She was too stressed with having the pressure of having to lead her friends to find someone no one has seen in the longest time, and her personal love life.

Delilah grabbed the picture of her and Helen Mell from her pocket and intensely stared at it. She knew everything about this woman. She remembers a description of what surrounds this woman's house. She also remembered a picture of the house itself. Helen's house was a small cottage made of the darkest most beautiful wood logs. There were two tiny windows surrounding a metal door. The roof was a dark green kind of color. There were signs surrounding the house saying "No trespassing". The rest was a blur to Delilah.

Genevieve walked into the tent and sat down next to Delilah. "Hey I saw you run in here. Are you okay?" Delilah was unsure but nodded because she didn't want to have her friend sad. "It's just Marcus and Jacob." Genevieve sighed. Delilah was trying not to lie so she instead told half of the truth. She didn't want to tell Genevieve anything about her being stressed out about leading them all. Even though Delilah was stressed out she knew the group was stressed out too. She didn't want to put more weight on everyone's shoulders.

"So what's up with the boys." Delilah sighed knowing that she would have to explain it all. Delilah told Genevieve everything, the words rolling so easily off her tongue. "And I don't want to hurt anyone." She ended. Genevieve nodded in understanding, putting her thinking face on. "I thought I told Marcus to stay away." Genevieve mumbled under her breath. Luckily Delilah didn't hear her and just sat there clueless. "I'm so confused with it all. They're both nice guys and I like them both a lot but that's the problem. How can I choose?" Genevieve sat there clueless. "I don't know much about this type of stuff but all I have to say is be true to yourself. What does your heart want?"

Genevieve walked out of the tent to join the boys again and Delilah lay there silent. She wanted to be focused on leading her friends to Helen but her half truth made her focused on something very different. Jacob and Marcus. She hadn't been thinking about who she wanted to be with. Of course this was only a high school relationship but she didn't want to hurt either of them. They were both too important to her. She had had a crush on Marcus forever but she had started to develop feelings for Jacob. Delilah went to bed that night stressed and confused. What was she supposed to do?

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