Chapter 7

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           Before Delilah knew it she was being shaken awake by Genevieve. Delilah jumped up not even tired. Her eyes wide open looking slightly scary. Genevieve jumped back a little from Delilah and laughed. Delilah broke down laughing on the verge of crying. She quickly brushed out her hair, rolled up her blanket and scurried out of the tent.

Jacob and Marcus were laughing and pointing at her late appearance. Delilah rolled her eyes and smiled. She was very happy the two were getting along now. She ran up and hugged them and whispered in their ears, "Thank you." She gave both of the boys a kiss on the cheek and helped to pack up the rest of the items.

After everything was packed up they checked the wind and followed. Everyone was laughing, talking, and just plain out socializing. It was so nice to have everyone getting along. "Once we find that traitor she will realize she made a huge mistake" Genevieve suggested. "You think she recognizes Delilah?" Marcus asked. "I guess we'll have to wait and see." Delilah responded.

Delilah hadn't thought about what would happen if Helen recognized her. It would be so awkward. Helen would probably be furious about it thinking that Delilah tricked her into thinking she liked Helen's books. It would probably be heart breaking for Helen. Maybe even for Delilah too. It was hard to think you were about to ruin your former hero's life. But Helen deserved what she was getting and there was no changing Delilah's mind.

After a couple hours of walking Genevieve stopped and turned around. She looked at Delilah and nodded. It was time for Delilah to lead them to Helen. Delilah hesitantly walked to the front and stood there. Behind her was Genevieve squeezing her arm. Delilah took a deep breath and put her finger up.

After feeling where the wind was going she started walking that way. Farther and farther until the signs. The warning signs that hinted at the house were right underneath their nose. They walked a few more miles then there it was. The little log house surrounded by forest. Delilah stepped closer until she was at the door and slowly lifted her fist. After building up all her courage she looked over to her friends nodded and knocked.

"Who's there?!" A voice yelled from inside the house. "Ummm... it's the delivery man!" Delilah yelled back. "You know what to do with the package!" The voice yelled slightly more calm. Delilah just decided to try the door knob and surprisingly the door was unlocked. Delilah walked into an incredibly cluttered home filled with maps, books, and etc.

Delilah tried to dodge stepping on anything and yelled. "Ma'am may you tell me where you are?" The next thing Delilah knew the same face on the photo of the book signing appeared right before her eyes. The only difference was Helen's hair was in a high up messy bun. A few pieces of her golden locks framing her face ever so elegantly.

"You are no delivery person!" Helen yelled. "Hi ma'am. I'm-I know who you are." Helen cut off Delilah. "You are the super fan Delilah. I remember how excited you were when you were next up in line. Oh those were the good days. Anyways what are you doing here and how did you find me?" Delilah couldn't quite find the right words to answer her without giving away the real reason she was there.

"Wait..." Helen started to head towards the door. Delilah started chasing her trying to stop her from seeing the people outside. Helen was just too quick. Before Delilah knew it Helen was already at the door. She stepped outside and saw the people waiting. "You! How dare you come to my home and instruct this poor innocent girl to break in!" Genevieve was speechless. "But you're the one who wrote stories about our world and spilled all of our secrets! She volunteered!"

It was getting out of hand at this point. "I was told to write these books. Your precious Mayor told me to write these and release them to the public." "What do you mean?" Jacob asked. "Here's the whole story, me and Mayor Marissa were best friends. She was my only friend until the man who had just proposed to her confessed his love to me while she was there. From then on Marissa thought I was just a Fiance stealing jerk. She swore to get revenge on me and she did. She told me to write these books and release them to the public and when I did she told everyone I was a traitor and I had to leave the town."

Everyone's mouths were opened wider than hippos. How could this be the story. Everyone spoke so much good about the Mayor. How she was sweet and caring and had a love for all. "How are we supposed to believe you?" Sean asked. "Come inside." Everyone walked into the small house and followed Helen. She put up her hand to signal a stop as she dug through a drawer. Out she pulled a crumpled note and handed it to Genevieve.

"Read it." Helen said. Genevieve uncrumpled the note and started. "Dear Helen, I was wondering if you could write about a few certain people in this town of your choice and the history of this town. This book will be put out beyond the walls of hidden Lucidrid. Good luck. From Marissa."

It was unbelievable. The supposed nicest person in town set someone up for a horrible failure. "I told you." Helen finally responded. Genevieve's face turned disappointed and sad. "We need to find a way to expose the Mayor." Sean said. Everyone nodded. "Helen we need your help." Genevieve said, surprising Helen and the others. Helen nodded. "It's about time someone let me in. No one has ever been able to find the truth and I've been tired of it."

Helen grabbed a piece of paper and started planning. She planned what times things should happen, what to do, and what everyone should be doing. "Genevieve you'll be distracting the Mayor while Delilah shows the note to everyone and I explain what happened. Boys, you will be collecting people to help. We will leave tomorrow morning."

After all the planning was over Helen cooked up some dinner for them. Genevieve thanked Helen and went outside to set up the tents for the night. Everyone said goodnight to Helen and went over the plan again. The group talked for a while and then settled down for bed. Delilah had trouble sleeping. She lay staring at the top of the tent until she finally closed her eyes for the night.

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