Chapter 4

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        It was the next morning when Genevieve shook Delilah awake. "Five am already?" Delilah groaned. Genevieve nodded and forced Delilah up. "I'll go meet everyone and you should go change." Delilah nodded and grabbed her back pack looking for a pair of comfortable and athletic looking clothes. Genevieve walked out of the house and headed for the center of town. The closest thing Delilah could find to comfortable athletic clothes was a big sweater, a pair of shorts, and a preppy crop top t-shirt.

She threw the clothes on, grabbed a pair of socks, threw on her white sneakers, and went outside. Not too far from her she could see Marcus and Jacob walking towards the town and Delilah ran to catch up to them. "Morning" She said panting and put her hands on her knees. "Morning!" Marcus smiled and Delilah blushed. Jacob completely ignored Delilah and rolled his eyes. The three headed to the center of town where Genevieve and Sean were already waiting.

"Of course you were the last one to show up." Sean looked at Marcus and laughed. "Yeah yeah I know." Marcus responded smiling. His smile always got Delilah. How can a boy be so perfect? Genevieve glared at Delilah noticing how she was staring at Marcus. "Are we ready to go?" The group nodded and followed Genevieve.

They entered the forest where it might have been more stunning than the town of Lucidrid. The trees were lush and green and there were flowers everywhere. There were animal noises coming from everywhere and the grass was soft and beautiful. Delilah and Jacob gasped at this amazing sight. "It's amazing." Jacob said, making Delilah want to walk away hearing his deep soft voice. She didn't want to admit it but he was growing on her.

There was a rustle in the bushes that made Delilah jump. Marcus grabbed her and held onto her hand. Jacob glared at the two regretting his rudeness towards Delilah yesterday. He looked down but nobody even noticed his sudden sadness. "Why are we going this way in the first place?" Delilah asked curiously not knowing why they couldn't just go through the modern town of Lucidrid. "There are multiple reasons." Genevieve started. "Number one, people from your world might recognize us and that would not be good. Number two, the traitor we shall not name made it so people couldn't find her house from your world so we have to go this way.

It was exhausting walking so much that Delilah just wanted water but she remembered what Genevieve said, "Save it for when we really need it." Marcus could tell how tired she was so he sat her down on a log. "I think we should sit for a bit. We have been walking for awhile." Genevieve rolled her eyes. "Fine." The group all sat down. Sean and Genevieve were sitting next to each other chatting, Jacob was sitting alone on a separate log, and Marcus was kneeling down next to Delilah. "Are you ok?" Marcus asked, staring into Delilah's eyes. She nodded and blushed.

Jacob was probably more sad then Delilah had ever seen anyone. She got up and headed over to him. "You ok?" She asked hoping this conversation wouldn't end like the last one. He looked up. "Yeah." He blushed just enough for Delilah to see a difference in his face. She smiled and Marcus stared at the two with a hint of jealousy crossing his face. Don't get her wrong Marcus was her dream guy, but Delilah didn't want to make anyone sad. Genevieve and Sean were cuddling together on a log looking dreamily at each other. "Ooooh" Everyone pointed at the two and they blushed laughing.

After a while the group got up and started walking again. Delilah was walking alongside Jacob but soon Marcus caught up and smiled. "Didn't want to be lonely." Jacob glared at Marcus knowing that he liked Delilah just like him. Delilah smiled at Marcus and stepped closer to him. Jacob didn't even understand why she liked him. Yeah he was nice to her, a gentleman, and handsome but Jacob could do so much more for her. Also Jacob wasn't from a book.

Seeing Delilah and Marcus laughing and talking together made Jacob infuriated. He didn't like the thought of trying to hide his crush for so long and finally telling her just for her to date someone else. The only way his friends found out about his crush was from his journal and the only reason he bullied her was because he wanted to fit in and not be bullied himself. What would people think of him if they knew he liked the "book freak".

Marcus was the one who was having visions of her and he knew from the start he fell in love with her. She was beautiful, kind, and she was so creative. He just met her and knew she wasn't looking for anyone to date but she was his dream girl. He didn't want to make Jacob mad because it was obvious he liked her too. He also knew how Genevieve didn't want him dating her since she wasn't from their world.

He hated the thought of it but Marcus knew he had to let her go. They could still be good friends right? Marcus stared into Delilah's eyes and smiled. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. No matter how much he knew he shouldn't he couldn't help himself. With her curly brown hair, her beautiful eyes and her cute freckles she was so beautiful. Jacob stepped closer to Delilah and stared at her. She saw him and let go of Marcus's hand and stepped away from both of them. They both looked down and frowned a little.

Delilah didn't know what to do. She liked both of them and she could tell both of them liked her but was she even ready for a relationship? She didn't want to break anyone's heart either and she had to keep in mind what Genevieve said about Marcus not being right for her. Was Genevieve right. All of this was stressing out Delilah.

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