▪︎Trouble Maker▪︎

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All the freshman walked past us while me and Oikawa were still busy looking at each other in pure shock. Are you telling me I just hooked up with one of the people I'll be seeing during my years here?! I quickly move away from him when I notice his arms were on my waist, this little pervert...

"Y/N! I saved us a spot for a group!" Akiko! I've never been so relieved to see that smiley face of yours. She hold my hand and before taking me away, he gave Oikawa a goodbye wave.

I'm so screwed! What if he tells everyone about my stupid breakup story?! Me and Akiko sit in a circle with the other freshman. Oh god people, I was lost in my worries while the freshman were busy introducing themselves. He wouldn't say it right? He wouldn't do something like that. Akiko nudge me with her elbow when it was my turn to talk, I look at all of their faces.

"I'm Y/N and I'm 18. I just moved to Japan so I'm looking forward in exploring the places here" They all laugh and I blush. Are they making fun of me?

"Despite your appearance, you're quite shy" I blush even more. I seriously hate attention...

"Me! Me! Me! My turn! I'm Akiko and I'm also 18, I'm actually interested in having my own romance here" She said and they all made 'ooh' or 'ahh' noises. She sure knows how to start an interesting conversation with people.

"Speaking of romance. I'm glad Oikawa decided to study at this university, now I can always see his face during classes" The girl rest her head on her palm as she start to stare at Oikawa who was sitting across the assembly hall. Yeaaaaah not freaking me out at all.

"He's handsome and also good at volleyball. Whoever becomes his girlfriend must be the most luckiest girl here" The boy that was sitting beside lady daydream said. He's good at volleyball? That's a surprising fact.

"Quick he's looking this way!" Lady daydream hid her face behind the boy beside her. I turn around and caught Oikawa staring at me, we only look at each other for a quick second before looking away with our faces turning red. Damn it!

"Wow Y/N! You manage to catch Oikawa's attention!" The freshman nearby turn their attention towards us. I hurry and cover Akiko's big ass mouth with my hand before she says more. Oh god, she is going to be the death of me...

"How did you do it Y/N? He doesn't really pay much attention to me" Lady daydream put on a cheeky smile. Don't pretend to be nice when you clearly hate it.

"I don't know" I shrug my shoulders and I could see her smile twitch because of it, I think I'm gonna start calling her lady snake instead.

The orientation was mostly boring since all we did was do fun activities in the hall. Tomorrow is when the seniors will give us a tour around the university. Gosh I can already imagine how sore my legs are gonna get from the hours of walking. I was on my way back to my dorm until I saw someone standing in front of the door. Ethan?! Seriously?! When will this day end?!

I tried walking away but he had already saw me, he rush towards me and block my way, preventing me from leaving. Great, you just blocked my way to my dorm room and now you're stopping me from leaving. I fold my arms as I look at him in annoyance, after the pictures I sent you and the warnings, you still had the audacity to show your face to me. He sighs seeing my expression.

"Please Y/N. Let me explain things" Ethan said and I hate how I still feel sympathy for him, he smiles when I made a defeated look.

"You have 1 minute to explain yourself" I glare at him. This better not be a waste of my time.

"By now you must be wondering what my job is since I'm always secretive about it. Actually, I'm a boyfriend for hire" I raised my eyebrows, not sure if I heard him right. So he's like a fake boyfriend to the people that rent him?

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