Mew Mew Power Oc

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Name: Suki Shima

Age: 16

Family: Mizuki Shima (mother: alive. Age:37)

Kaname Shima (father: alive. Age: 38)

Momoko Ito (grandmother: alive. Age :65)

Ren Ito (grandfather: alive. Age: 66)


What else she wears: she has a cherry blossom ribbons on her left and right side on her hair.

Color outfit when she transform: orange

Animal: Fox

Mark is at: Left shoulder

Residence: Tokyo

Weapon: Two fans

Attacks: she can create cherry blossom petals when she use her fans while dancing which create a whirlwind of cherry blossom petals around her enemies. Then when attack, she dance at first, but then she throw her fans at the enemy hitting them and send her fans back to her.

Outfit while fighting:

Friends: The Mew and oc.

Enemies: the Alien (some of them )

Crush: Elliot or Dren

Personality: she has a calm mind and spirit when it comes to dancing at her family shrine. She knows she has to act proper while at the shrine but she's really an active girl when it comes to school. She can get angry if someone interrupt her from her work or riding her bike back to home or to school. She doesn't like when people put other people down to make them feel better about themselves and would stand up for the victim.

Likes: Ice cream, cake, Baking, Dancing, Riding her bike, singing and animals.

Dislike: Bitter food, Jerk, pervert, bullies, Frogs, and Players.

Hobbies: bike riding, dancing, singing, and flower arrangements.

Past: Suki's family owes and run a shrine which sells charms, used for wedding, bakes goods, Books and hold festivals during the summer season. Suki is the only child of family as she helps them out with the work, the shrine has been in the family for many generations by her father side of the family. Her grandma taught her how to dance with fans for regular performs for the people that comes during special occasion, she love to kimono dance with her mother as a child and continue to learn more as she grew older. One day on her bike ride though the park, she suddenly felt an earthquake. She parked her bike under a tree until she saw a light coming over to her and felt strange when it hit her, at first she thought it was nothing and just head back home. But over the next few days she been acting strange, she suddenly can climb well, and land on her feet as well, but the weirdest part was that she suddenly started to catch after a dog on all four. She thought it was because of the earthquake, she turned on the news about five girls with animal power. She knew that she was one of them but would go solo until they need her.

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