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Once upon a time, they were inseparable. Everyone thought they would end up at the altar after almost a decade of being together.

Until one day, one of them had a change of heart. One fell out and left the other shattered into pieces just so she could be herself.

What will happen if after years of being separated, fate would lead them back into each other's company?

Will it rekindle an old flame?

Or will it finally conclude the chapter in their book where they were just each other's once upon a time?


DISLAIMER: This is a mix of fiction and memoir. Most names, places and characteristics or any identifying detail have been changed to protect the privacy and anonymity of individuals, past events have been compressed or rearranged - some are fabricated, some dialogue has been recreated and present events are fictitious. Unless otherwise indicated, any resemblance to other people's experiences is purely coincidental.

WARNING: This story will contain mature content that are not suitable for minor readers so please read at your own risk.

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