Fenris & Fiona / Part two

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There is a pile of cash on her bed. He got some of it but not all and Fiona has to admit that it is still the best score she had in years. A smile finds her lips as she lets the bills fall through her fingers. She can't rest though. She wasn't as careful as she should've been. Perhaps it's time to move on again. Her eyes go over her shabby apartment. Maybe something a little classier this time. Her smile widens.

The following morning Fiona finds herself window shopping in the city. Her eyes linger a little too long on a golden necklace in the window of a very expensive jeweler. Her hot breath marking the glass when she nears it to get a better look. She remembers the life she once led, covered in riches. A shop like this would've felt like home to her.

A loud crash manages to wake her from her daydream. She turns around to find chaos. A young man is being chased by a tall figure that she immediately recognizes. She waits for a short moment to see the events unfold before her eyes. He pulls a large gun and the young man ducks behind a car. No time to wait anymore. Fiona rushes into the streets and shouts at the top of her lungs.

'Hey!' She stops mid pace and raises an eyebrow. Her head tilted slightly to the side and a smile curves her lips. He hesitates for a split second before focusing all of his attention on her. His gun held up to face her now instead of the young man – whom is already making a break for it.

He slowly walks toward her. Fiona doesn't budge. Her feet remain firmly on the asphalt as he gets closer and closer. He only stops when he is about a feet away from her, gun raised and aimed directly at her face. It all feels oddly familiar again, Fiona thinks.

It started close to a year ago. He showed up out of the blue to a robbery. Her robbery. At first she was annoyed. Irritated that this thug almost screwed it up for her. The second time he showed up she was furious. By the fifth time she started to expect it and now there was even some amusement to be found in these encounters. She even turned the tables on him once to make it interesting.

When the tall man caught the young man disappearing just around the corner Fiona knew she had to intervene so she took the moment of his distracted mind and punched the gun out of her way. Her other fist risen to aim for his jaw when he dropped the gun to the floor and grabbed onto her with both hands. The back of her head rested just beneath his chin. His warm breath circling down to her find her and his hands gripped closely on her arms in another deadly grip. She wriggled but there was no point. He was simply too strong and this was a severe mistake.

'So what now, big guy?' She creaked. 'Are you going to drag me out of the street with all those people watching us? Kill me in front of them? I don't think that is the best idea, do you?' Fiona continued. The streets seemed empty, her eyes didn't catch any people lurking about but she knew they were there. She could sense them cowering behind the shop windows or inside their cars.

'And you're target is probably long gone by now, isn't he? Though, if you let me go, maybe you can still catch up. Probably not though but you could try. Wouldn't whoever you're working for be happier if you at least try?' Fiona felt lightheaded. He squeezed her a little too hard now, holding her own arm up to her throat.

A grumble escaped his mouth and his grip loosened. Fiona stood as still as possible, not to make any sudden movements. She slowly turned when he released her completely. There was a deep frown on his face. Perhaps this was the first time she saw him in broad daylight. He looked interesting enough. His white hair smoothly flattened to his skull. There was a light scar across his left cheek and his lips would probably always be this thin, pressed line.

'Well... good luck.' Fionaexhaled. She eyed the gun by his feet and decided this was as good a time asany so she put on her heel and ran as fast as she could. While she ran shesmiled. She couldn't help but feel alive most when death stared her right inthe face. She rubbed her throat and a loud cackle escaped her. Yes, she feltalive.

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