Fenris & Fiona / Part three

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Something happened the next couple of days. As the people around her prepped for the holidays, Fiona spend her time browsing the internet using her stolen laptop on a stolen wifi signal from across the street. She spend hours looking for details about him. The tall stranger that had been a solid part of her life for almost a year now.

Not much to be found when you have nothing to go on. Surprisingly Google doesn't have any leads when you search for a tall Norwegian looking man with white hair and a scar. She flung the laptop to the end of the bed and decided it'd be best to simply go out and look for him. How hard could it be? He seemed to be drawn to her scent so she figured a couple of walks around the block would do.

Fiona was right. It didn't take her very long to spot him. She ducked behind a parked car and observed the stranger across the street. His reflection visible in the window of a grey seemingly abandoned building. She wondered what he was doing in this part of town. Could he be looking for her too?

When he entered the building she followed from a safe distance. Only when they were both inside did she notice there was someone with him. A slightly shorter and very muscular man with grey hair and a large riffle in his right hand. The two walked ahead, turning corner after corner in silence. Fiona followed carefully.

Something happened that she couldn't see but it startled both men and gunfire erupted before her eyes. She covered her ears and sat kneeled down in the hallway behind them, observing from what she imagined was a safe distance. Bullets flew round and the sound of them ricocheting of the walls and floors was almost deafening. As quickly as it started it stopped.

Fiona got to her feet and made her way through the rest of the hallway. The men had already vanished but left behind a chaotic mess. To her left was a door covered in bullet holes. She swallowed and continued.

Her heartbeat increased when at the next bend she didn't find the men in front of her. Slight panic rushed over her and just as she was about to turn she heard footsteps coming from the front and a dark husky voice that followed. 'Show your hands!'

A short, thick man in a uniform stood before her, a flashlight and a small gun held up toward her. The light shone directly in her eyes causing Fiona to squint. 'I'm unarmed.' She said, trying to walk backwards as slowly as possible. The man didn't feel like letting her walk away. He stepped forward, a click of his gun but before he could say anything else a bullet whirled past them both.

Fiona looked back to see the two men standing behind her. 'O fuck.' She gasped, covering her face. She was ready to duck down when a hand grabbed onto her and twirled her back and just like that her face was pressed into his chest, an arm wrapped around her. She looked up, toward his chin, his cheeks, tried to avoid looking up his nose and into his eyes. His eyes were dead serious. She felt herself being rocked back and forth by the blowback of his gun.

When the gunfire stopped she tried to wriggle free once more from his iron grip but this time she was outnumbered and this time he had no intention of being blindsided by her. He dropped his gun to the floor and picked her up. He threw her over his shoulder and started walking.

'Hey! Put me down.' She slammed her fists against his back which caused no reaction at all.

His henchman came up close to her. Lowering his face to meet her eyes. He put a finger to his lips and grinned. 'Sssh.'

They walked across the hallway and Fiona caught a glimpse of the uniformed man sitting against a wall with his hands pressed on his leg. He was still alive. A sigh of relief escaped her. At least she didn't witness a murder. It was one thing to steal but a murder, a murder would be the end of her.

Though she didn't quiteunderstand what was happening. She was carried outside onto the streets by hernemesis while his henchman stayed behind to deal with whatever his name was.Fiona simply let it all happen now. She hung over his shoulder and only thoughtabout the way her legs started to cramp up and that her right arm stung forsome reason. Everything started to move before her eyes in a blurry, slowmotion and finally she closed her eyes. He would carry her to her fate,whatever that was.

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