Fenris & Fiona / Part Six

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After minutes of intense battle with the zipper of her form fitting, lace dress, Fiona finally stepped out into the cold wintery air. Like most things in her life, this too, was something she barely remembered. And even though her dress felt stiff around her body – certainly stiffer than what she usually wore – she felt wonderful.

Fiona entered the building through the back, avoiding the crowd. She blended in with the staff at first. Cutting through the kitchen while her fancy dress was hidden beneath her oversized puffer coat. When she slipped through the busy chefs and finally entered the party she ditched her coat to blend in with the next group of people. Plucking a glass of champagne from a tray and mingling like she belonged.

Now the waiting game began. She mingled and mingled. Circling back and forth, side to side through the room. Her eyes searching endlessly for a tall figure who would in this case probably wear a suit. Black, if she had to guess. An hour went by without any luck. She also kept her eye out for the young man named Taylor but there was no sign of him either.

Just when she began to give up she spotted something in the far back by the spiraling staircase. Not Fenris or Taylor but the henchman and where he was, the rest must follow. She made her way through the crowd as quickly and quietly as possible, placing her now empty glass on a small table along the way. She darted up the stairs after him, keeping a safe distance but not letting him out of her sight.

She was right. The henchman knocked on a door almost at the end of the hallway. The door opened and he disappeared. Fiona put her ear up against it to hear shuffling of feet and a muffled voice. A voice she thought must belong to Taylor.

'We can cut a deal.' She heard him say and she could sympathize with him when there was no response.

'Madam? Are you lost?' Fiona shot up. A woman stood behind her. Silver hair in a top bun and a long emerald dress that graced her slender body. She oozed of class and Fiona felt herself shrink.

'Eh... No. I mean... I...' she stumbled. The door in front of her flung upon. The henchman appeared and just behind him Fiona could make out Fenris.

'Sir?' the woman stepped forward elegantly. 'I must encourage you to go back downstairs,' She observed the two in front of her before continuing. 'I don't think I know you... both. Who are you?'

'Leave.' The henchman said in a very pressing tone and to Fiona's surprise that is exactly was she did. She glided away nervously. Fiona would've worried about her if it weren't for the henchman who shifted his piercing eyes to focus fully on her. Taylor saw this as his cue.

In a split second Fiona was pushed back against the wall by the henchman while Taylor took a small knife that he hid between his sock and swung it repeatedly at Fenris. She couldn't tell what happened next for the henchman had already flung her up against a different part of the wall. Fiona kicked him in between his legs as hard as she could and when he ducked down, grabbing his private parts she elbowed him in between his shoulder blades. The rush of getting the upper hand on this much larger man was exhilarating. She took swing after swing while he dodged and mirrored her moves. Fiona ducked a few times but his strong fists managed to get her too, leaving a throbbing pain on her left cheek and in her ribcage. She didn't linger on the pain though, she moved with him much like a dance. A dance that abruptly ended when Taylor interfered.

'Eh, thanks?' Fiona muttered when the henchman fell back in agony.

'Well, are you coming?' Taylor said hastily, his eyes darting from the henchman to her and back. Fiona's eyes were looking for something different. She barely noticed the commotion that had started down stairs. All she saw was Fenris curled up on the floor in the other room. 'Suit yourself.' Taylor said as he ran for the stairs.

Fiona rushed to Fenris, using all of her body weight to pull him up and sit him down against the wall. A strand of white hair dangled in front of his left eye and she gently pushed it aside. He had a bloody lip and a bruise was already forming just above his right eye.

'We really have to stop doing this,' Fiona whispered. The two made eye contact for what seemed like a century and just as Fiona was about to stand up, she felt his grip on her wrist, pulling her closer until her face was just inches away from his.

'Why?' the unexpected sound of his voice gave her goosebumps. A jolt of electricity pulsated through her ever fiber and all of the sudden she was back in his house, wrapped up in his arms. She inhaled him and closed her eyes. Why? Why?

She touched his cheek, feeling the surprisingly soft and warm skin under her fingertips. She traced the scar until she reached his lips. At the touch of her finger on his bottom lip he leaned in and kissed her hard. Forcing her mouth open with his. She took him in, closing her eyes and forgetting the world around them. This moment didn't last too long though.

Footsteps approached them and Fiona wasn't sure which she feared more. Was it the henchman to interrupt or one of the anxious guests? Fiona didn't feel the need to stick around. She let loose of Fenris with a cheeky smile.

'Try not to die.' Shesmiled.

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