Fenris & Fiona / Part Seven

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Fiona swiftly made her way down the fire escape, landing at the side of the building. Out here everything was calm, quiet and dark. She tore her tights on her way down and was examining them in disappointment when a whistle caught her attention.

'So who are you, love?' It was Taylor. He appeared seemingly out of nowhere, arms crossed and an all too deep frown on his face.

'Does it matter?' she replied.

'You're following me. Though... you're not with them?' He made it sound like a question. Fiona rolled her eyes at him. 'Then who are you and what do you want from me?'

'I don't want anything from you.' Fiona started to walk away from him but he wasn't so reluctant to let her go. He nervously followed her.

'Are you a cop? No. No, you seem way to.. to...' Fiona stopped mid pace and turned to face him, daring him to finish the sentence.

'I'm not a cop so you can breathe now,' She hesitated for the next part but her curiosity won it from her pride. 'Are they?' she titled her head toward the house.

'The men in black? Hell no,' he laughed. 'Hold up... are they after you too?' She was a little unsure if she should answer with honesty. How much did she know about this Taylor guy anyway? Nothing really.

'They're not cops, definitely not feds either. What exactly are they then?'

'I can only speak for myself but between you and I, I can come up with some reasons why they'd be after me. Now you,' he looked her up and down. 'I'm not sure of, but if you are anything like me...' He trailed off.

'Someone hired them.' Fiona thought out loud. Taylor nodded in agreement.

'Right, I must bail now I'm afraid. Seems like out of the two of us, they're after me first.' He winked at her and before she could reply he had already run of into the night.

A week went by. A week in which nothing happened and all Fiona could do was think about her strange encounter with Taylor and the night she had spent with Fenris.

So someone hired him to track them down. Fiona had made a list of people she double crossed or stolen from over the years. Whoever she pissed off had no intention of letting her go quietly. A flashback of the fired up warehouse popped up in her head, causing her skin to crawl. Did someone want her dead? Whatever it was, it wasn't personal for Fenris and she seemed to have swayed him in her favor quite a bit. Or was it him who swayed her? Damn it.

On Sunday she decided it was time to get back out there. She had a new address in mind. A lonely man lived just a couple of towns over and he was loaded. With bit of luck she would be done with all of this soon. The thought of dying for a mediocre score was too much.

It was a long walk and the wind was cold against her face. Her breath made cloud after cloud in the air. Maybe on her way back she could take the bus, or she could rent a cheap hotel room along the way. While she was going over the cheapest yet warmest way to make it back home her attention was caught by a flash of light far away and normally it wouldn't have set her astray but when she paused to look at the direction of the light she saw a car she recognized vaguely.

It was a rusty white car with a dark green stripe across it. Her memory couldn't pinpoint exactly where she saw it before but her legs where already dragging her into its direction.

When she got close enough she saw him standing there. In the middle of a field, with a small bonfire in front of him. He stood facing the fire and didn't hear her creeping up toward him. There was something sad about the scene and when she came close enough she could make out a sparkling tear rolling down his cheek. She tilted her head to get a closer look which startled him.

'Time-out.' She said calmly, raising her hands slowly. He didn't respond, which Fiona had gotten quite used to now.

Fiona took a step closer tohim, her hand searching until it found his. She wrapped her cold fingers inbetween his and squeezed. He didn't need to say anything for her to understandthat something had shaken him to his core. A loss. So the two stood in silenceand let the sound of the crackling fire consume the world around them.

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