Fenris & Fiona / Part Five

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At the far end of the street she finally sits herself down on the sidewalk. Severely out of breath and incredibly thirsty. Fiona looks up at the sky. It's already dark. There is no sign of the moon anywhere. It must be hidden behind a thick veil of clouds. It's just Fiona sitting opposite a flickering street lantern in the dead of night.

She tucks at the itchy sweater that she pulled over her ripped dress. A full sleeve and some buttons have gone missing from her favorite dress but Fiona is ever so thankful that it is just her dress that is broken. A smile finds her lips as her memory slips back into that moment. If she closes her eyes she can still be there. She can still feel his warm hands gliding over her naked skin. A shiver shoots down her spine.

'Focus.' She whispers softly to herself. She gets back to her feet and walks into the direction that will lead her back home.

Men are easy enough. Fiona thinks as she steps out of her shower. Steam filled the tiny room and she has to wipe a towel across the mirror to reveal her reflection fully.

Fiona didn't need to use her charm very often but it had saved her from dire situations in the past. Being blessed with the right set of curves and a witty mind made for a lethal combination. When she kissed Fenris a couple of days ago she knew that this could potentially work again. Though was what happened today entirely planned or did something else happen? Fiona shook the thought off her.

Fenris did however let his guard down, regardless of how the two ended up in bed together. Once they lay heavily gasping for air side by side in that stuffy old bed Fiona had taken the opportunity to grab the knife and ropes from the floor and tie him up. He was weak under her weight. Probably afraid she would nick him in the wrong place.

She slipped into her dress, slightly disappointed to see how torn it truly was. She had time to wander off to the wardrobe and grab a sweater that was twice her size before crawling back on top of him and pressing a quick kiss onto his forehead. With a teeth bearing smile she left him, tied up and naked.

Fiona expected to find his henchmen sitting somewhere in the living room of the house but instead she found an elderly woman, sleeping in a rocking chair in front of a tv. The volume had been turned all the way down and she was snoring loudly. Fiona tiptoed past her and just on her way out did she spot a couple of folders on a small round table. On one of them she saw a photograph of herself and on the other she spotted a familiar face that she couldn't place at the time. She quickly glanced at her own file, which said nothing interesting other than the fact that it contained all of the addresses of places that she robbed. Still, she decided to leave it there and snatch only the other. Maybe this would help shed some light on who Fenris was.

Fiona was up bright an early. She slept surprisingly well that night. She ate her breakfast while examining the file in front of her. The man in the photo was a young man named; Taylor. No last name added. Fiona thought back to the time she met Fenris in the street. This man was the man he was chasing.

She took another bite and flipped the page. Not much to go on here. If Fenris chased her, could this Taylor also be a robber of sorts? What if Fenris wasn't such a bad guy after all. But why shoot up that place yesterday? If Fenris was a cop, wouldn't he have identified himself as one? If Fiona thought the file would answer questions for her, she was wrong. All it did was bring forth new ones.

There was however a hint to where Fenris would be going next and that is where Fiona would be going as well. Just one thing that had to be done beforehand. She needed to go shopping and like everyone else, when you go shopping, you need money and in this case she would need a lot of it.

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