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Polarization is a big problem, the other epidemic of our time, but to better understand this phenomenon, we need to analyze the two parties involved. The democratic and the republican party.
The democrats are the left. I don't feel that all democrats are what they are painted out to be. They aren't all left-wing extremists. Of course, this is a name that republicans relentlessly use alongside 'the real racists'. Believe it or not, not long ago, the Democrats acted as the right-wing party, and the Republicans acted as the left-wing party. Sometime during the 1930s and the 1960s, they switched, and the modern democratic party formed. The accusation that the democrats are segregationists is ridiculous because the modern democratic party is nothing like what it was at that time. The democrats support

liberal ideals. That doesn't make them better than the Republicans, but it does make them progressives. You can't label a man a racist because his ancestor was a slave owner unless he upholds those ideals.
The modern democratic party, from today, upholds the following ideals.
A strong government with the power to regulate business.
Federally financed social services and finance for the poor, the aged, the unemployed.
The separation of the church and the state.
They support immigration and finding pathways for immigrants to become citizens.
Some Democrats support affirmative action and gun control, but others don't.

Whether you support these ideas or don't, this isn't an opinion, this is a fact, now, my opinion is this.
I don't think the government should regulate all businesses but should do something about economic inequality and the ultra-wealthy versus the ultra-poor.
I believe that the government should help out the poor, aged, or unemployed. Wealth inequality is a very big problem and if I were one or all of the three, I would want the government to help me out.
I strongly and firmly believe that the state should be separated from the church. Laws should be based on what is just and fair and not on faith.
I support finding pathways for immigrants to become citizens, because I lived in the United States for a while, and though I was on a visa if I were undocumented, I would appreciate the government's help.

I support affirmative action. I know that people think that affirmative action is about racial bias and putting minorities over others, but that could not be farther from the truth. Affirmative action is about the opportunity. African Americans, Latinos, and so many others are underprivileged and underrepresented. By allowing them to go to good schools, their communities can excel. It doesn't mean that someone only got into a school because they are black or Latino. They got in because they are good students. In my opinion, affirmative action helps communities of color get a better education.
Gun control is controversial, but I don't care. In my opinion, guns are unsafe and shouldn't exist, but I know that many Americans feel that to protect their families, they need guns, and you know what, that's fine. If you feel that guns will protect your family, go for it. But you need to accept that all these mass shootings are because anyone can access a gun, which is dangerous. I would never buy a gun. I think they are dangerous, but if Americans feel that guns

are important to them, I suggest that you investigate and learn about a person, before selling them a gun.
There are just some of the policies that a lot of democrats have on their platforms, but not all. You might've guessed it, but not all democrats are the same. In fact, according to FiveThirtyEight, the democratic party has six wings. The democrats are all different, which is why there is so much division within the party. They all have a common goal but disagree on how to get there. With the presidential elections in November, just moments away, it is important that people understand what they are doing and who they are voting for. Joe Biden is a specific type of democrat and people who cast their votes for him must know exactly what he supports.
The six are:
The Super Progressives The Very Progressives

The Progressive New Guard The Progressive Old Guard The Moderates.
The Conservative Democrats.
As you see, they are very different from one another.
The Super Progressives are very liberal. A lot of them support socialism ideals and applying those to America's government. Super Progressive politicians include Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Mark Pocan, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib. They see the democratic party as centrists and feel that they need to be even more progressive. Their policies involve abolishing ICE, making Global Warming a priority, and other things along the line. They are also

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