「 what's new pussycat 」

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Zelk had survived a day and a half as Mega's temporary roommate, and he was beginning to notice things.

For one, Mega spent a lot of time in his room. He'd warned Zelk to never go inside, saying he'd take him apart limb from limb and turn his remains into a carpet if he even tried.  That threat genuinely disturbed Zelk so he listened to the mute for once.

He still wondered what he was doing up there.  "Probably just paperwork," he reasoned.

Another thing the furry had picked up on were the sticky notes.  Multicolored, strewed around the little house. They would usually have little reminders on them; water the roses, need more milk, get the money that Skeppy owes. Every now and then, there would be a more cryptic one. 

It was one of times. Zelk had happened upon a yellow sticky note stuck onto a container of food. In small writing, it read: feed the pussy.

Let's just say there were... a lot of questions.


Once confronted, Mega eyes went wide. He fidgeted with his pen, considering his next words carefully.

Zelk watched him. For some reason, his heart had sped up. He remembered the mute's brief exchange with Astelic a couple days before. Was there something between them? 

Why did he even care? "I don't care, I'm just curious," he reminded himself

Regardless of how much he cared, Mega seemed to be at a lost of what to say.

The mute expelled a sigh. He held out the notebook to Zelk. 

'I'll just show you.'


Zelk followed the hesitant mute. He bombarded him with questions he knew he wasn't going get an answer to. 

"Where are we going? What's in the container?... hey, this is a pretty dark alleyway..."

They'd already passed the town square. Since it was the weekend, they had no tasks to do. Mega was leading him to a dim alleyway in the far corners of the town, away from most houses.

Mega stopped walking abruptly. 

He slowly turned to face Zelk, raising a finger to his lips. That meant 'shush'. Then he turned back around. 

Zelk shifted his weight from one foot to the other, glancing around the somewhat cramped space he'd been led into.

Then, he heard it. 

A long, low pitched whistle. Its was melodic, reminding him of songbirds in the early morning. Oh, and it came from Mega.

Zelk did a double take because is that even possible? Mutes could whistle?

Before he could question what he heard any longer, a plaintive meow sounded in the alleyway.

Approaching the duo was a little calico cat, ears facing forward. It's striking yellow eyes were dilated. It meowed again and brushed past Zelk. It stopped in front of Mega.

Mega smiled, expression softening. He bent down and gently pet the little calico. With his free hand, he held up his notebook. 

'Zelk, this is Pussy.'

𝘽𝙀𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙇𝙀𝙁𝙏 𝙐𝙉𝙎𝘼𝙄𝘿  | ᴢᴇʟᴋᴘᴠᴘWhere stories live. Discover now