「 sugarvine 」

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Another day slips by.

Zelk and Mega were partnered in tasks(something that was becoming all too common), to milk the cows and fetch eggs from the chicken pen.

Zelk decided from that day onward that tugging on cow titties was his second least favorite thing, only beat by questions about his love life("you're still single? not even a first kiss?")

Farm work was tiring. The second he and Mega made it home, Zelk rushed to take a bubble bath. If he tried hard enough, he could erase the images of that day from his mind.

Bath over, sun sinking into the horizon, and stomach growling, Zelk plopped onto the couch. "MEGaaaa, can you order somethin'? I'm starving over here," he didn't even need to see the mute's face to know he was rolling his eyes. 

That was definitely at the top of his favourite things list; annoying MegaPvP.

A object was launched into the back of Zelk's head at record speed. He let out a rather embarrassing screech, hands flying up to caress his abused head. "OW! Dude, that was so UNNECESSARY!"

Spiritually, he could hear the evil snickering of the violent mute. A mental note to get back at that idiot was made.

Zelk picked up the notepad turned projectile weapon and read the bold, black writing.

"i have no money, popcorn for dinner bitch"


The buttered scent of popcorn wafted throughout the house. The freshly popped kernels were separated in to two small bowls. One had considerably more popcorn than the other. 

"Ayyy...Mega I think you measured wrong-"

A note is shoved into Zelk's face; 'i make no mistakes.'

The two settled on the couch, tossing kernel after kernel into their mouths. 

"Yknow," Zelk had barely started speaking and Mega eyes were already rolling. "we should watch a movie! It feels wrong to eat popcorn without a movie!"

The mute hesitated. He held his pen above a fresh page on his notepad(which never seemed to run out), then wrote 'which genre" in small writing.

"Hmmm...How about a romcom? Like, a really bad one. Lets laugh at the failures of others."

And just like that, Mega is won over.


Zelk facepalmed. "Oh my gaaaawwd, she's so dumb! It's obvious he like her, they literally made out! What more do you want, woman!"

Mega did his little silent laugh. That was plenty encouragement, so Zelk continued mocking the movie. 

 He watched as the main character griped about her "one sided love". Lord was she dense. If she just pulled hear head out her butt for a second, she'd realize the one she loved felt the same. She had it so easy.

Zelk shook off his envy for a literal fictional person and continued with his jokes, validated by Mega's soundless giggles.


They were halfway through the movie. One of the popcorn bowls lay abandoned on the floor(Mega's), and the other (Zelk's) was being finished by Pussy, who had seated herself between the two on the couch.

Mega gazed at Pussy adoringly. He petted her as if to say 'yes good steal his food'.

Zelk mourned the loss of his popcorn. "Why do you encourage this?"


Only 20 minutes left.

Zelk's jokes had dwindled. Not because of boredom or disinterest. No, he had become invested in the plot. The main character and her love interest were fighting, the tension that had been mounting coming to a climax.

Beside him, Mega wasn't nearly as interested. His eyes were half- lidded as he lazily ran his fingers through Pussy's fur. 

Zelk petted Pussy for emotional support. This was nerve wracking.


The movie ended. 

In a way that left sitting through the credits sequence in despair. 

It wasn't a happy, optimistic conclusion that he wanted. Instead, the main character's concerns ended up validated.

Turns out, the love interest wasn't into her. He just didn't want to turn her down, since he's "feel bad".

Zelk ate and swallowed the newfound anxiety the movie had instilled in him, instead turning to bother Mega. "That was horrib-...Mega?"

Silence, as expected. Unexpected, however, was the new weight against his shoulder.

Dozed off and leaning against him, was the edgy, cool, and deadpan MegaPvP. Mouth cracked open, gentle snores drifting out.

Zelk felt his cheeks warming up. Should he...move? 

No, wasn't there a rule somewhere that you shouldn't move a sleeping animal? Mega probably counted as an animal, since he went feral when he was mad enough.

But even then, Zelk wasn't sure if he even wanted to move him. This was the most peaceful he'd ever seen the mute. It was probably best to savour the moment.

So he did. He didn't even retaliate when Pussy plopped herself into his lap.

It was the most warm, comfy sleep Zelk had ever had. 

𝘽𝙀𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙇𝙀𝙁𝙏 𝙐𝙉𝙎𝘼𝙄𝘿  | ᴢᴇʟᴋᴘᴠᴘWhere stories live. Discover now