Twenty Four

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One thing I hated the most in the promotional activities were reality shows. Not every reality show though. Just specific ones.

The one who had these kind of hosts.

"Bom, you do know that your one of the sunbae has the same name. Don't you think you should have changed it?"

Bom stiffened. She had got a lot of hate for keeping her real name with her till now because her mother named her as such. Unfortunately, her mother wasn't in the world anymore, but she wanted to keep this part of her with her forever. That's why she went with the name Bom even after criticism.

"I think people will be able to distinguish between us. I want to keep my identity with myself." Bom tried to explain, but I could tell she was nervous. "Sunbae is really successful in the entertainment industry, and I just started, so yeah. I think people know who is who." she said in a small voice.

"Mostly we see that the younger members are more popular than the other members, but Bom, you're the least popular member of the group. It's surprising since you're the second maknae." the host looked at Bom.

It wasn't funny at all.

I smiled. "I bet she's more popular than you though." I said, and the panel burst into laughter. Bom chuckled too, and I squeezed her hand under the table.

The hosts of the show were my sunbaes, and they were very kind except one. He was rude as fuck. The show proceed with different questions about our album songs and future projects before one question changed the topic of discussion again.

"Who doesn't know how to joke? The least funniest member of the group." It was one of the fans questions, and I face palm myself in embarrassment when my group members pointed to me.

"Her jokes aren't funny." Yura unnie said, and I laughed, nodding my head. Because, I honestly sucked at it.

"I heard somewhere you're an EXO fan. Suho doesn't have a good sense of humor too." the rude host again tried to throw insult.

I chuckled. "It's a great thing you don't have a good sense of humour as well Sunbae." I grinned. "We three are team now."

The host's panel couldn't believe that I was giving these kind of replies, and burst into laughter again. "You surely have a good sense of humor, Iseul. I refuse to believe otherwise." another Sunbae said, and I bowed shyly.

I looked at the rude host, and blinked innocently. Come for me, I might forgive you. Come for Fab4 or EXO, I was going to insult the hell out of you. It was not funny to make a joke of someone on national television. I couldn't believe it.

"Iseul is arrogant." the rude host said with a fake laugh as we proceeded to the end of the shoot.

"But, I'm not the one who was rude to Bom!" I exclaimed playfully, roasting him yet again. My members couldn't hold their laugh, and we all enjoyed the look on the host's face. I knew it was wrong of me to Roast the host like that. He was a senior to me, but I couldn't hold it back.

Being an elder one don't give you a right to judge someone, let alone insult. If he really was an elder, he would have made us feel comfortable with himself, instead of taking every chance to make us uncomfortable. I knew I was going to get hate for this thing, so I tried to prepare myself mentally for it.

"Is everything alright?" I asked when saw Chanyeol frowning on the video call. He shook his head, and tried to give me a reassuring smile, but failed. "Chanyeol, if you don't want to tell me, it's okay. Just know that I'm here. Always. Okay?"

"It's about Baekhyun... He and Hera broke up." Chanyeol replied hesitantly. "Everything is so stressed right now, and I don't know what to do."

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. "They... I thought they were like soul mates or something." I tried not to show my disappointment. I shipped them too hard, and to know they were together only to break up after few months, it hurt.

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