Twenty Eight

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Breaking News! Fab4 Iseul and EXO Kai is dating. Companies yet to confirm?

Recent photos of the duo surfaced on the internet as they walked together on the streets of Seoul. They were clicked by the fans of the groups, and got released today. SM and Cube Entertainment are yet to comment on the statements.


"I'm not dating Jongin. I swear."

I looked at the manager and company officials, and they exchanged a confused glance. "Sir, this is my younger brother. His back looks like Jongin, nothing else. He was here to meet me few weeks ago. I'm not dating Kai."

The man nodded. "Okay. I'll release an official statement regarding this." he pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed. "These dating news are getting out of hand." he muttered, and walked out of the room.

I looked at the manager, and he shook his head. "This is really something. The idol you're dating currently... there isn't any news about you two. You're rumored to be dating everyone but him."

My mouth fell open in disbelief. "You know about Chanyeol?" I asked.

He nodded. "Just go and talk to him. He must be confused with the articles." he smiled. "But, be careful. You know how media can get."

"I will." I replied, and walked out of the meeting room. I dialed Chanyeol's number, but it was off. Why was his phone switched off? I dialed Sehun's number, and fortunately he picked up. "Hey, Hun."

"Iseul." Sehun sounded stressed.

"Hey, where is Chanyeol? I'm trying to contact him, but it's coming switched off."

He sighed. "You should come to Dorms. It's not good here."

I frowned. "What happened?" I asked, and opened the door of the car as I slid inside. "Don't tell me it's because of the article. I'm not even close to Jongin that much."

"I know." Sehun mumbled. "Just come here."

"I'm on my way." I said, and hung up the call.

So many things were going in my mind. Why would Chanyeol trust a bullshit article? It was just another day of rumors. It shouldn't affect him. Fab4 comeback is around the corner, and it must be to get us in the negative spotlight, but Chanyeol should know it is him. It would always be him. Idiot. I couldn't believe he was getting insecure about my love for him.

Pulling over outside the Dorms, I climbed down the car, and headed inside, only to stop when saw Chanyeol standing there. I released a deep breath as I approached him. "It isn't true. I'm not dating anyone but you."

Chanyeol didn't say anything, and huffed. He looked away, and my heart sank a little. "You're such a liar. Guess what? I don't believe you."

"You really think I'm dating Kai? Don't you trust me?" I asked in disbelief. "Okay. Ask Kai, he'll tell you the truth."

Chanyeol stared at me, and shook his head. "I don't believe you." he muttered, and turned away. "Jongin has already confirmed it for me."

I furrowed my brows. "Jongin told you what?" I asked as I followed him inside. "Chanyeol! Wait for me."

I saw Kai standing in the living room with Sunhee, and halted my steps. She looked... broken. What was happening? I couldn't wrap my head around the things happening. Chanyeol glared at me over his shoulder, and I cowered under his gaze.

"I love you." Sunhee let out weakly. "Love is supposed to make us happy, but why am I always crying?"

Kai didn't blink an eye, and kept staring at her directly. "I never said anything about my feelings. I'm sorry."

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