Chapter 1

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3rd person

"Let's all go to bed," Bangtan's leader announced as soon as the last out of three bottles of wine is completely finished.

The maknae line groaned at their leader's announcement, still feeling the adrenaline rush from the celebration they had in their dorm after sweeping out awards in an award show and the alcohol in their system.

"Well, what else do you all want to do?" Namjoon asked them.

"Sleep on the comfort of my own bed," Yoongi deadpanned and crossed his arms.

"Oh come on hyung!" Hoseok wraps his arm around Yoongi's shoulder to bring him closer to him. "We should have a bit of fun!"

Yoongi's body is quite small in comparison to Hoseok's well-built body due to his immeasurable amount of times they were practicing and dancing.

He's used to always being so close in contact with his members since they've been living with each other for almost a decade now and even though he's used to the frequent skinship his members always initiates with him, sudden things like these are still making him flinch and a red hue of color secretly creeps up his cheeks.

"Well, what smart and fun idea do you think will entertain all seven of us?" Yoongi tried to not stutter.

Taehyung leaned back and took one of the empty bottles of wine from behind him and placed it on the floor in front of everyone.

"Spin the bottle!!" He exclaimed.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "See y'all tomorrow."

But before he can even walk away from the circle, Jin already has his hand wrapped around Yoongi's tiny ankle and dragged him down on the floor with the rest to form a circle.

"Hyung!!" He whined at his only hyung in the group. "I wanna sleep!"

Jin gave him a pleading look, "Just this once, please? We just need to tire the maknae line out."

He huffed and crossed his arms knowing that he has no choice but to join the stupid game of spin the bottle just to entertain the maknae line.

"Alright!" Jimin exclaimed. "Here's the mechanics, the pointy side of the bottle is pointing at the one being questioned and the bottom side of the bottle is pointing at the one asking the question."

The rest agreed with this and Yoongi thanked the heavens that there's no weird twist or addition to the game.

The game started as innocent as it can get.

Just a couple of rounds, Taehyung already broke a vase and Namjoon tried to help him but he just made it worse and broke another vase.

Jimin was forced to admit that he ordered some but plugs online after Jungkook saw his search history.

Hoseok laughed too hard after seeing Jin try to imitate each member's signature dance moves and accidentally broke the third vase.

Yoongi forgot his sleepiness because he was having too much fun watching his members suffer from the game and thought that this is actually a good activity for the group to just relax.

But he spoke too soon.

Jimin smirked at the outcome.

Yoongi is the one being questioned and he's the one asking his hyung questions.

"Let's just get this over with, Jimin."

The said member nodded, "Gladly.

The rapper felt a shiver run down his spine at the tone of voice Jimin just used. He has a very bad feeling about this and he knows he needs to pick the safest choice.

"Truth or dare?"

Yoongi gulped, "Truth."

Jungkook groaned, "You're no fun, hyung."

But instead of having the same disappointed look on the other members, Yoongi's eyes widened at the innocent smile on Jimin's face.

"Yoongi hyung," He began. "Are you a top or a bottom?"

There it is.

The million dollar question.

All eyes are on him now and he can never take back his decision. He cursed himself silently and scolded himself for choosing 'truth'.

"Ugh," He rolled his eyes. "I should've picked dare."

The other members laughed at this.

"Why?" Taehyung asked teasingly. "Can't admit that you're actually a bottom?"

The rappers eyes widened at his statement and the attention was turned to Taehyung.

"What?" Yoongi asked in disbelief. "Bitch, you really think I'm a bottom?"

"We all do, hyung," Hoseok answered casually like it's common knowledge that the badass rapper, Suga, is a bottom in bed.

He looked around at the other members and they all nodded in agreement.

Yoongi scoffed, "I am not a bottom!"

"Well, you don't look and act like one when performing," Jin says.

"There are some times that you act and look like a bottom on stage though," Namjoon added.

"Facts!!" Jungkook yelled.

Yoongi pouted and crossed his arms again, "I am not a bottom! Why would you think that a rapper like me would want to bottom in bed?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Hyung, you have a tiny body — much tinier than Jimin hyung since he grew taller—"

"He got taller by a few centimeters," Yoongi interrupted him. "We literally have the same height."

Taehyung ignored him and continued listing his reasons, "You always look so cute, milky white skin, you have the smallest thighs out of all of us, and you're cute."

"I think you said he's cute twice," Jimin pointed out.

"Who cares?" Taehyung shrugged. "I'm not lying."

Their attention went back to the now blushing Yoongi who is trying his best not to make eye contact with any of his members.

"Oh, and you get flustered easily too," Hoseok pointed out.

"Enough!" Yoongi has finally had enough. "You have no proof that I'm a bottom! I know that I am because it came from me!"

He held his chin high, "I'm a badass rapper! I'm obviously a fucking top!"

"Haven't you heard the saying hyung?" Namjoon's lips curled into a smirk. "Your friends know you better than yourself."

The rest of the members smiled innocently.

"Yes hyung, all six of us agree that you're a bottom."

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