Chapter 4

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3rd person

"You fucked him too!!" Hoseok yelled as soon as they got back from their short trip and saw Jimin fresh from the shower, with a bottle of water from the kitchen.

Everyone stared at Jimin who stuck his tongue out to Hoseok and walked away.

"Aw, don't worry hyung!" Taehyung and Jungkook wrapped their arms around the now pouting Hoseok.

"You'll get your turn too!"

Seokjin gave Hoseok one stern look, "If you are—"

"He means we all are fucking Yoongi hyung!" Namjoon interrupted from behind the oldest member.

"Namjoon-ah!!" Jin snapped at their leader which made the two youngest and their leader laugh.

"Come one hyung," Namjoon chuckled. "It's not like you're not planning on fucking him too. Can't you see that the order's going from youngest to oldest?"

The said member didn't reply and turned his attention back to Hoseok.

"Let him rest first."

"Copy that!"

As promised, Hoseok waited for his turn and have Yoongi time to rest. After all, he's already got three dicks inside of him.

Another three wouldn't hurt.

For the past three days, Hoseok had been eyeing his hyung and Yoongi is oblivious of the fact that the dancer would spent hours just staring at him.

In the studio, in the dorms, on stage, and even backstage.

Hoseok only had his eyes on Yoongi.

He has so much planned to do for his hyung but decided to go on easy on him since he doesn't want to force Yoongi into something he doesn't want to do.

Hoseok may have been thinking about fucoing Yoongi for years now, but his safety comes first and not Hoseok's desire to bend him over the desk and fuck him.

Yoongi is completely oblivious of the things that's been going around Hoseok's head.

He knows that any day now, another one of his members will corner him, challenge him that he a bottom (something that he's fallen for two times now), and fuck him senseless.

Like the bottom he really is.

But he doesn't want to admit that.

It's up for the six of Bangtan, the heroes, to save the day.

Hoseok is looking for the perfect day to challenge Yoongi and now, he's finally found the perfect place and time.

"I'll stay here to help hyung with the dance," He tells the rest of their members who are now at the door, on their way home.

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