Chapter 5

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A/N: I'm really sorry this is getting boring but an orgy is coming up next chapter.

3rd person

"We shouldn't be doing this."

"We are."

"But hyung!" Yoongi raised his voice. "There's literally tons of staff at the other side of that door!"

Jin smirked at the rapper's complaint, "Then you really shouldn't be making any sound, right?"

Yoongi didn't say anything.

How could he?

Seokjin dragged him from the room as soon as they both finished their makeup and outfits, the oldest member dragged him into an empty room right by the busiest hallway of the building.

They're on their way to a performance right now and out of all the times Seokjin could have been horny, this is the most inconvenient time.

"Jin hyung," A soft whimper came from Yoongi's lips and Seokjin was so sure he could bust a nut right then and there.

He placed a kiss on the younger's lips to shut him up while he pulled down Yoongi's pants.

"W-what are you doing?" Yoongi gasped but his questions were answered as soon as Jin took something from his pocket.

"A-are you seriously going to fuck me right now?!"

Seokjin's brow rose, "Oh, I wish I could, darling, but we have a performance to do and because you made me upset by getting fucked by our other members even though I'm literally your next door neighbor, I should have you punished."

Yoongi's eyes widened at this.

"That's not my fault!" He told him. "What? Are you gonna spank me or something?"

Seokjin smirked, "Nope, I gave something else in mind."

The thing that he took from his pocket wasn't a condom as Yoongi thought but a small vibrator.

"Y-you are not leaving that in me!"

Seokjin laughed and placed a kiss on Yoongi's exposed neck.

"You don't get to decide, babe."

Before the rapper can even say anything, Jin had already forcefully turned him around and his chest pressed against the wall.

He whined as Jin's grip on him was too strong.

"H-hyung!" Yoongi whimpered. "Y-you can't leave that in me!"

"It'll be just for today," Seokjin whispered to him and licked the back of his ear, sending shivers down his spine.

With his ass exposed to Seokjin, the oldest member couldn't help but lick his lips as he stared down his member in such a vulnerable position.

"Look at you, all pretty and pink," Jin grinned. "I'd love to have this ass for dinner, Yoongi-ah."

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